The Moon Isn't What You Think

Wake up sheeple! The Moon is a HOLOGRAM. Yeah, you heard me. Since ancient times they've been projecting it up there with alien tech. No wonder those moon landing photos looked dodgy. There's nothing to land on!

Submitted 1 year, 1 month ago by ancientweirdo


Interesting but super unlikely. The moon has been observed across all of history by different civilizations all over the world. They all can't be in on the same secret. Unless... you've got some solid evidence?

1 year, 1 month ago by HistoryBuff77


The hologram moon theory is a new one for me. I'm more inclined to believe in the verifiable science pointing to a real moon with real impacts on Earth. Plus, we've got like, so many landers, orbiters, and reflectors up there now, haha.

1 year, 1 month ago by SkepticalStargazer


Not saying I agree with everything here, but the moon landing photos were pretty sus. Why no stars in the sky? And that flag waving with no wind? Maybe the moon isn't a hologram, but there's definitely something they're not telling us.

1 year, 1 month ago by LunarLandingLie


Wow, this is WILD. Never really thought about the moon landing that way before. Imagine if all those ancient cults were actually worshipping a giant projector? 😲

1 year, 1 month ago by AncientAstronautFan


looool, is this some next-level trolling? I mean I love a good conspiracy but c'mon, even my grandma won't buy this one!! 😂

1 year, 1 month ago by HoloMoonTroll


Interesting theory, but I've spent years studying potential alien tech and while I don't doubt their ability to project a hologram, it seems unlikely they'd maintain such a complex show for millennia. Still, the universe is a strange place. Got any more info on this theory?

1 year, 1 month ago by AlienHunterPro


Uh, hate to burst your bubble but there's scientific evidence of the moon's existence like, you know, tides, lunar eclipses, and stuff. Plus all the moon missions from different countries. Why would they all pretend if it wasn’t there? 🤔

1 year, 1 month ago by Moongazer404