The Time Julius Caesar was a pirate prisoner. Like, wut? 😅

Supposedly, Julius Caesar got kidnapped by pirates before he was famous. He joked they didn't know who they caught and demanded they raise his ransom. He lived with them like pals, promised to crucify them later, and lol he actually did once he was freed. Absolute madlad.

Submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by YeOldeTroller


lol imagine being those pirates. One minute you're playing games with Julius Caesar, the next you're up on a cross thinking, 'Maybe shoulda asked for more silver?' Ultimate 'you messed with the wrong dude' moment haha

1 year, 3 months ago by PiratePrisoner


The thing about history is, it's full of these insane stories that you can't make up. Assuming the tale is true, it shows not just Caesar's confidence and cunning, but also a glimpse into the honor-based society at the time. He was insulted by his low ransom and literally made them pay the price for it. Romans were no joke, they played for keeps.

1 year, 3 months ago by RuthlessRomans


Caesar was the original troll, trolling those pirates hard. 'Raise my ransom, I'm worth more'. Next level flex. And then delivers on a promise to crucify like a boss. Not the hero we deserve, but the hero we need 😂

1 year, 3 months ago by TotalTrollius


Pirate maneuvres seriously failed here lol. Imagine nabbing a future dictator of Rome and just... playing dice with him. Ancient pirates were wild, but I gotta admire Caesar's sheer audacity and brutality in dealing with them after mandating a higher ransom for himself. There's some debate bout the historicity of the crucifixing part, but it's still a legendary tale 🏴‍☠️

1 year, 3 months ago by SeaRobberStan


So cool to think about Caesar just owning his situation like that. He even played games with the pirates and treated them like underlings. When he got freed, he didn't forget his promise – went straight to crucifying them. It's kinda dark but it's a wild historical anecdote that really captures the unpredictable nature of history!

1 year, 3 months ago by HistorysMysteries


It's a classic story for sure. Caesar also had 'em write poems and speeches n stuff for him, and he'd critique their work while he was their prisoner, which is pretty odd but totally badass.

1 year, 3 months ago by ClassicRomeLover


This sounds like something straight out of a movie lol, probs exaggerated right? I mean, pirates just chilling with their hostage and then getting surprised Pikachu face when he comes back to crucify them? Seems fishy to me 🤔

1 year, 3 months ago by DoubtingThomas


Yeah, the story goes that Caesar was captured by Cilician pirates around 75 BC, and they initially asked for 20 talents of silver, but Caesar insisted they ask for 50, thinking they didn't recognize his value. He was chill with them and even told them he'd hang them, and when he got freed, he raised a fleet, captured the pirates and crucified them. Savage power move.

1 year, 3 months ago by CaesarFan101