Emperor Nero, the OG Firefighter Pyro?

Bro, did ya know Nero, yeah the 'Rome-burner,' actually created a fire brigade? After the big fire in 64 AD, he formed the 'Vigiles' to fight fires. But check this, some say he was those guys at the campfire who pretend to help but really just wanna watch it burn more. Could be he started the fire brigade to avert suspicion from himself or, maybe, to control which parts of Rome got crispy. Sneaky guy 😏

Submitted 10 months, 1 week ago by yeoldemeemer


These ancient stories are always so spicy, lol. Nero's got his rep, but like, maybe he was just trying to manage a bad sitch? Or maybe he loved the drama? Who knows, ancient Rome was wild.

10 months, 1 week ago by MysteryHistory


Super interesting! It’s also cool to note that the Vigiles, Nero's brigade, were made up of slaves and freedmen. They were organized into cohorts and stationed in barracks throughout the city. They didn't have modern tech but used buckets, sponges, and hooks to tear down buildings and create firebreaks. Not all heroes wear capes—some wore tunics in ancient Rome, amirite?

10 months, 1 week ago by firefighter_fanatic


LMAOOOO, Nero the original pyromaniac firefighter. Jury's out if he started the blaze, but my man definitely knew how to throw a hot party. 🔥🎻😂

10 months, 1 week ago by TotallyNotANeroFan


Oh man, didn't know that Nero was down with the firefighting squad. Makes me wonder how much we got wrong about the dude. Haha, imagine him with a hose just casually dousing flames after playing some sick lyre solos.

10 months, 1 week ago by RomanRuminator


Ever think that all this firefighter stuff was just Nero's big cover-up? Like, he starts the fires, then puts them out and plays the hero. Classic misdirection. Wake up, sheeple!

10 months, 1 week ago by buringCuriosity74


As an aficionado of Roman history, it's misrepresented that Nero solely created the Vigiles. While it's true he established the corps after the Great Fire, it's important to recognize that they were more than firefighters. They acted as night-watchmen and city police, enforcing laws and keeping order. These roles were a critical step in civil organization post-crisis. Regarding Nero's intentions, it’s a tangled matter. Ancient sources like Tacitus and Suetonius who accuse Nero of watching Rome burn gleefully must be taken with a grain of salt, as they wrote their histories during subsequent, hostile reigns that had every motive to smear his legacy.

10 months, 1 week ago by AncientFlames


Don't buy everything you read about Nero. A lot of it comes from sources that were politically biased. TBH, we don't even know if he was in Rome when the fire started. Could be the fire brigade was just him tryna do some damage control... literally and politically.

10 months, 1 week ago by TruthSeeker911


Yeah, Nero's image in history is all kinds of twisted. People love to portray him as the villain for the Great Fire, but the dude actually implemented building codes after the fire, like zoning laws to prevent such disasters in the future. He was complex, not just some fire-crazed emperor lol

10 months, 1 week ago by fiddleWhileBurn