Ever talk to someone so dumb you wished your pet was in the convo instead? Well, Caligula, the Roman Emperor, took it to the next level. He tried to make his horse, Incitatus, a consul. Like one of the highest-ranking officials in Rome. Now, historians argue if he was serious or just trolling the Senate. Either way, imagine being a powerful Roman Senator and getting outvoted by a horse. Epic troll move, Caligula. Horse for president 2023?? 😜
Submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by timetraveler4real
Guys, this is probably one of those things that didn't happen but we WISH did cause it's hilarious. Rome had law and even Caligula couldn't just trot a horse into the Senate... then again, power was very absolute in those days. Who knows what actually went down.
Actually, it was never confirmed that Caligula did try to make his horse Consul. It's one of those anecdotes that's survived because it's entertaining, not necessarily because it's true. The guy was definitely eccentric, but we gotta remember a lot of what we 'know' about him comes from sources that were hostile to his memory.
While it's a popular story, Suetonius was known to be very gossipy in his accounts of the emperors. Some say he included rumors and scandals as fact. There's debate about whether Caligula actually wanted to make his horse a consul or if he was making a point about the Senate's incompetence. It's possible he was just showing he had the power to do it, even if he didn't follow through. And let's not forget, Incitatus had a stable of marble with an ivory manger, so maybe this was all about flaunting wealth and power?
Haha, honestly Incitatus might've done a better job than some of the actual senators back then! But seriously, it shows how bizarre things got under Caligula's rule, or at least the rumors about him. Many scholars think it was more of a statement on his disdain for the Senate rather than an actual intent to appoint his horse...either way, dude was cray.