So I just stumbled upon this while reading about ol' Benji Franklin. Turns out, he regularly took what he called 'air baths,' where he'd just chill in his room without any clothes on for an hour or so. Totally naked. His reasoning? He thought it was healthy to let his body 'bathe' in the air. Seems like he was ahead of his time considering today's nudist practices. Or maybe he just wanted an excuse to be naked, who knows? 😂
Submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by historicaloddity
Benjamin Franklin actually documented his air bath routine in his writings. He believed that fresh air was preferable to the steamy atmosphere of a hot bath, and since tuberculosis was a known risk at that time, with miasma theory still prevalent, it's likely he thought his air baths could protect him from getting sick. The idea fell in line with his other endeavors in understanding human health and the natural elements.
Actually, the practice of air bathing dates back well before Franklin and was a common recommendation among health practitioners of the 18th century. They believed that it would help to balance the humors and was particularly beneficial for those with sedentary lifestyles, a category Franklin himself fell into quite often due to his scholarly work. While his preference for nudity might seem eccentric, it was closely tied to contemporary health beliefs and not wholly out of the ordinary for his time.
As someone who's been a nudist for years, Franklin's 'air baths' totally make sense. Nudism isn't just about wanting to be naked, it's about connecting with nature and feeling free. Franklin was definitely onto something, embracing that vulnerability and natural state. The health benefits he believed in are real for a lot of us in the nudist community.
Ah Franklin, the man was always full of surprises. I read somewhere that he was quite the inventor, so maybe 'air baths' were just another one of his experiments with nature. I bet sitting around in the buff gave him the inspiration for some of his ideas lol.