Back in the time when Australia lost to birds...

There was a time when there was literally a war between people and birds. Australians called the war the Emu War. And guess what? There was only 1 bird in the war: the big emu.

Also, to tell you, the humans didn't win. The birds won. A lot of people and soldiers were lost to...BIRDS!

Submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by Whopper1


Wait, what?! Can someone explain more? How did they actually 'lose' to birds? And this was the actual government's military?

1 year, 3 months ago by CuriousCat


Emus flexin' on humans so hard, Australia had no choice but to put them on their coat of arms after that L. Respect. 😂

1 year, 3 months ago by RandomTroll23


This post is a bit misleading. It wasn't a war like human wars. Just a pest control op that went haywire. Only two humans got injured, and while exact numbers of emu casualties are unknown, some were definitely taken out. Can't say it's a win for the birds when it ended up with emus on dinner tables.

1 year, 3 months ago by SnarkyHistorian


Actually, military tacticians sometimes study the Emu War to understand asymmetrical warfare. Seems bizarre, but the birds' natural behaviors made them incredibly difficult to target, even with the technology of the time. And no, not a lot of soldiers were 'lost,' it was more their pride that took the main hit.

1 year, 3 months ago by MilitaryNerd


mate, you make it sound like it was some epic battle lol. It was more of a massive fail on humanity's part. A classic case of underestimating nature. Most Aussies know of it, and we sure haven't forgotten. Emus: 1, Humans: 0

1 year, 3 months ago by DownUnderDude


It's kinda sad tbh. The war started cause the emus were wreaking havoc on crops during the Great Depression. Not the birds' fault, they were just looking for food. But yeah, the emus outmaneuvered humans, and it became a big joke that even a modern military lost to birds. It's a fascinating piece of history imo.

1 year, 3 months ago by AussieBirdLover


For real though, the Emu War (1932) is one of those you-can't-make-this-stuff-up scenarios. The Australian military literally went after these birds with machine guns and still couldn't get a handle on the situation. Just proves that the emus' guerrilla tactics were on point! Or maybe it was just because emus are tough as nails. 🤣

1 year, 3 months ago by EmuChampion