You think your boss's pet projects are pointless? Let's talk Caligula. The guy was nuttier than a Snickers bar. Made his horse, Incitatus, a senator and even wanted to make him a consul. Some say it was all to mock the senate, others that he was just bonkers. The horse got a marble stall, an ivory manger, and a palace. Talk about pampered pets, amirite?
Submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by SkepticalSpecter
Well, let's not get ahead of ourselves. The sources on Caligula, like Suetonius and Cassius Dio, lived after his time and didn't exactly have firsthand accounts. Their writings are biased, often portraying him as mad. The whole horse senator story could have been an exaggeration to paint him in a negative light. It's worth considering how political propaganda has always been part of history.
I read somewhere that Incitatus being a senator wasn't the only crazy thing Caligula supposedly did. He waged war on the sea, ordering troops to attack the waves and collect seashells as spoils of war. Goes to show his reign was a circus and not just because of his beloved horse.