Haha you beard bros are gonna love this. Back in the Victorian era, docs actually told dudes to grow beards as a sort of pre-mask filter against diseases. Said it would trap all the germs before they could get in your mouth and nose. Imagine walking around with a face net of your own hair. Hipsters, eat your heart out.
Submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by RandomTidbitz
The rationale behind this was strongly influenced by the predominant miasma theory of disease, which held that diseases were spread through noxious 'bad airs'. This could feasibly be filtered through the dense thicket of a beard. Coupled with the fierce cold of the British winters of the period, it is no surprise doctors of the time proposed beards as a form of preventative medicine. Of course, now we understand germ theory, we can see the holes in that logic - quite literally.
The whole beard as a health device might seem crazy now, but Victorians took this stuff seriously. They believed in miasma theory - bad air causing diseases and that the beard acted as a filter. Plus, the fashion of the time meant you’d look smart and sophisticated. Essentially, your beard made you look like you had your life sorted out, both in style and health. Today’s hipster culture's got nothing on them!
Yep, Victorian era had some wild health advice, lol. Beards were the ‘in’ thing, symbol of wisdom and all that, plus the health aspect. Imagine believing your facial hair could stop the plague. They even thought it would prevent sore throats. Gotta wonder how much soup got trapped in those 'filters' though 😂