Everything was better when we were kids

Movies now? Trash. Music now? Garbage. Even the snacks tasted better back in the day. Remember Dunkaroos? Bet today's kids couldn't handle the rush of a Surge soda. Everything’s so safe and boring now. #MakeEverythingLikeThe90sAgain

Submitted 11 months, 1 week ago by GrumpyGenXer


There's a reason we moved on from some of the 90s tech and snacks, guys. Everyone's looking back with nostalgia goggles on. Surge was basically a heart attack in a can. And let's not talk about the 'dial-up tone' haunting our online gaming dreams. I'll take my gigabit fiber and VR gaming any day over that, thanks!

11 months, 1 week ago by TechieGamer


RIP 3D Doritos. I would give my left arm to have those back. And remember Butterfinger BB's? Why'd they ever get rid of those? Not to mention Oreo O's for breakfast. They just don't make treats like they used to.

11 months, 1 week ago by SweetToothSammy


Music ain't the same, that's for sure. 90s grunge scene - Nirvana, Pearl Jam, Stone Temple Pilots, Soundgarden, these bands were ICONIC. It was an explosion of raw emotion and powerful lyrics that we don't see much these days. Makes you wonder if today's kids will ever have that kind of seismic shift in music ever again.

11 months, 1 week ago by GrungyGrungeGirl


I must put forth that while there's a swath of unoriginal content nowadays, we still have standout films that push the envelope just as much - if not more. However, there is a particular charm to the unabashed fun of 90s blockbusters. Films like 'Terminator 2', 'Jurassic Park', and 'Men in Black' offered an experience that resonated with the youthful exuberance of that era, which many current productions could indeed learn from.

11 months, 1 week ago by CinemaSnob88


lol yeah 'cause high fructose corn syrup and no internet was the peak of civilization, right? gtfo with your rose-colored glasses, grandpa 🤣

11 months, 1 week ago by 2Kool4OldSchool


Dude, Surge soda was the BEST. I heard they tried bringing it back a while ago? Missed it though. Things felt simpler back then, didn't they? Saturday mornings with cartoons, no social media stress... Good times.

11 months, 1 week ago by OldSchoolCool


I get the nostalgia, but come on, not EVERYTHING was better. We've got so much cool stuff now. Like, streaming means we get to watch anything anytime, and the indie music scene is killer if you look beyond the top 40. Snacks though... okay, I give you that, Dunkaroos were the bomb.

11 months, 1 week ago by ModernTimesFan


Yes! 100% with you. All the movies these days are just recycled ideas or reboots that never should've happened. They don't make 'em like The Sandlot or Space Jam anymore. And snacks? Please, there was nothing like ripping open a fresh pack of Gushers or having a Lunchable ready for school. It was just a different time, man. I miss the novelty, the originality. The 90s had a vibe that just can't be replicated.

11 months, 1 week ago by 90sKid4eva