Yeah, you heard me. Tommy Wiseau. 24/7. Best movie ever. Make it happen, you slackers.
Submitted 1 year, 5 months ago by tvtrollolol
What a story, OP! I'd love that... though we'd probably cause a worldwide shortage of spoons. Would be difficult to explain to the non-Wiseau initiated why we bombard the screen with spoons every time a certain poorly framed spoon picture shows up. 😄
Ah, 'The Room'... such a unique piece of cinema history. Honestly, can't think of a dedicated channel for it, but there are these special showings in select indie theaters. One near me does a 'The Room' night every third Thursday. Check your local listings!
Streaming specialist here. Unfortunately, there isn't a dedicated channel that plays 'The Room' 24/7. However, if you own a copy, you could set up your own private stream that continually loops the movie. There's software out there that lets you do just that. Just remember copyright laws and stuff.