how do i make pasta not stick????

ok so every time I make pasta it sticks together and its rlly anoying. im not good at cooking but I want to learn!!! so umm can someone tell me how to boil pasta without it being a big sticky mess pls thanks

Submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by confusedbutkeen


right?! had the same issue until I figured out you HAVE to stir it a lot at the beginning. Also rinse it after you drain it if you’re not planning on adding it to sauce right away. And, idk, I started using a bigger pot, seems to help? GL!

1 year, 2 months ago by frustratedcook45


hey! u might not be stirring enough or maybe your pot is too small? water gotta be rolling boil before u toss pasta in. stir stir stir! then after u drain it, don’t let it sit around, mix it up with ur sauce or a little oil or butter to keep it from becoming one big pasta blob

1 year, 2 months ago by simplycooks


lol just eat it raw, no sticking and extra crunchy 💯👌

1 year, 2 months ago by trollin_pasta


To achieve the perfect non-stick al dente pasta, consider these steps: First, use ample water - the pasta shouldn't be crowded. Second, the moment it comes to a boil, add a generous pinch of salt for flavor. Third, KEEP STIRRING, especially during the first two minutes—this is crucial since that's when pasta is most likely to stick. Finally, as soon as it's done (taste test don't rely on the packet) drain quickly and if you're not adding sauce directly, toss it with some olive oil or butter. Buona fortuna!

1 year, 2 months ago by NoodleKnight


Stir! And lots of water. Don't leave the kitchen lol, watch it!

1 year, 2 months ago by busy_bee123


omg same happens to me all the time lol but i tried stirring a lot more and it kinda works? also timing is everything, make sure you cook it just right - use the box time as a guide but taste test. al dente is where its at!! good luck :)

1 year, 2 months ago by ilovecarbs


The key is to stir your pasta regularly while it’s boiling to keep it from clumping. Cook it in abundant, salted water—at least 1 gallon per pound of pasta. Adding oil to the water is a myth and a waste; it'll just sit on top of the water. Instead, reserve some pasta water, drain your pasta, then toss it with sauce immediately, using the reserved water to adjust the consistency as needed. That’ll keep the pasta from sticking without making it greasy.

1 year, 2 months ago by SaucyChef82


not an expert, but my nonna swears by using a lot of water. like, way more than you’d think you need. the pasta needs room to dance, ya know? make sure u salt the water too, it should be salty like the sea. then right after u drain it, add a bit of olive oil and stir. works for me!

1 year, 2 months ago by al_dente_enthusiast