Store Sells Nothing. Has everything!

Alright, so dig this. Stumbled upon this cosmic store somwhere (top secret, can't tell 😜). They sell...emmm...nothing! Literally ZERO! I mean, the store is there, full of stuff and everything. Decor, shiny lights, helpful staff, prime location, open 24*7 even! Just one catch, nothing's for sale. 🤣 Mind. Blown. Isn't that the biggest paradox ever? Ever heard of a store like that? Name it, if you can! Top prize is...guess what...NOTHING! 🤣

Submitted 1 year, 5 months ago by TrollKingXYZ


Intriguing! Especially in today's world, where everything is commoditized. However, there was a conceptual art project in 2009 called 'The Store' in New York City. They filled an empty 2000 square foot store with hand made products, then opened the doors to the public, but didn't actually sell anything. A commentary on consumer culture. Could it be something similar to this?

1 year, 5 months ago by NerdNovelties


OMG, total paradox! It's like that cat meme, there but not there. It’s probably some meta-commentary about consumerism or something. Next level hipster. 🤯💥

1 year, 5 months ago by KewlKid2021


Sounds like some places I've stumbled into, half-tipsy after a good night out! Just a wild, colorful blur and no clue what they're for. A store that sells nothing though? That's a new level of wild, bro!

1 year, 5 months ago by PartygoerPete


This is the stupidest thing I've heard since shoes for dogs. What's the point of a store that doesn't sell anything? Y'all youngsters and your fancy artsy fartsy ideas. SMH.

1 year, 5 months ago by rantRudy


Sounds like you've stumbled upon a paradox, indeed. However, it is conceivable. These establishments, while rare, do exist. They can serve as a form of modern art installations or part of publicity stunts for businesses. One notable case was the 'No Shop' which existed as a critique of rampant consumer culture. They are meant to provoke thought, and evidently, they have achieved it here!

1 year, 5 months ago by PrfssrX


HAHA! So you telling me, they keep everything but sell nothing? LOL. I got a drawer at home like that. Filled with lotsa stuff, definitely not for sale. We girls got a lot of such stores inside wardrobes as well. You never heard of them? 😆

1 year, 5 months ago by nothinghere4u


Woah, trippy stuff man! Sounds like a real life Twilight Zone episode. All decked out with everything and selling nada? Maybe I was too baked last time, but I surely haven't come across one. Are you sure it wasn't a dream bro?

1 year, 5 months ago by spacegh0strider