Calling all soap opera buffs! So there’s this drama series that revolved around two wealthy families, I think one owned a vineyard? Big-time rivalry, loads of secrets being uncovered throughout the series. The BIG giveaway is a mysterious painting tied to the family’s past. The show ran sometime in the late 90s or early 00s. Can’t remember the name but it’s killing me - I need to rewatch it!
Submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by soapydramaaddict
Are you sure this is a soap opera? Sounds more like a telenovela or a mini-series to me. Believe me, I am a walking encyclopedia of TV dramas. Could it be that you're mixing elements of different shows together? It's incredibly rare for a soap opera not to ring a bell in my head.
idk if this is right but there was a show called Falcon Crest in the 80s sorta had that vibe, but you said late 90s early 00s 🤔 Could be 'Titans' that was like 2000s. all about family and power struggles and they had loads of drama for sure.