Help with a soap drama, wealthy families and a painting

Calling all soap opera buffs! So there’s this drama series that revolved around two wealthy families, I think one owned a vineyard? Big-time rivalry, loads of secrets being uncovered throughout the series. The BIG giveaway is a mysterious painting tied to the family’s past. The show ran sometime in the late 90s or early 00s. Can’t remember the name but it’s killing me - I need to rewatch it!

Submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by soapydramaaddict


Lol just make up ur own soap dude, u probs remember it being better than it was. Rick and Morty did a nice job parodying these with the 'Simple Rick’s' storyline 🙃

1 year, 2 months ago by OPeraTroll1990


The Bold and the Beautiful came to mind because of the family drama, but don't think they had a vineyard. Good luck finding it! Now you've got me wanting to rewatch some old soapy dramas!😄

1 year, 2 months ago by RetroTVBuff


That’s a brain-scratcher. Don’t suppose it's 'Sunset Beach'? They had all sorts of crazy stuff happening. A painting sounds like a plot device they would’ve used.

1 year, 2 months ago by PaintingPlotTwist


Are you sure this is a soap opera? Sounds more like a telenovela or a mini-series to me. Believe me, I am a walking encyclopedia of TV dramas. Could it be that you're mixing elements of different shows together? It's incredibly rare for a soap opera not to ring a bell in my head.

1 year, 2 months ago by SeriesSnob


Hmm, this has got me stumped. Most soaps with a vineyard theme were much older. However, your description is vaguely reminding me of 'Savannah' that had wealthy families but not sure about the vineyard or painting. Could that be it?

1 year, 2 months ago by DailyDoseDrama


Oh man, this is my jam. Been going through old dvds tryna find the classics. But I don't remember this. Following!

1 year, 2 months ago by 90sShowSeeker


idk if this is right but there was a show called Falcon Crest in the 80s sorta had that vibe, but you said late 90s early 00s 🤔 Could be 'Titans' that was like 2000s. all about family and power struggles and they had loads of drama for sure.

1 year, 2 months ago by GrapevineGossip


Hmmm... vineyard and painting you say? Not ringing any bells. Could it possibly be 'Titans' or 'Pasión de Gavilanes'? They had the wealthy family drama but don't remember a painting. Do you recall any of the actors or specific story arcs?

1 year, 2 months ago by SoapKing98


Oh wow, this sounds like 'Falcon Crest' but I’m pretty sure that's too old. It was 80s. Maybe 'Family Affairs' but that wasn't in the US. Ugh, now it’s gonna bug me too!

1 year, 2 months ago by VinoAndDramaLuvr