Looking for a specific environmental doc!

Hey, wonderful people! I seek your collective memory for a very specific documentary I saw a couple of years back. It's all about ocean conservation, and there was this poignant moment with a marine biologist discussing the decline of coral reefs. The documentary featured stunning underwater cinematography – the colors were just mind-blowing! They also touched upon sustainable fishing practices. It painted a dire yet hopeful picture, and I believe it won a couple of notable awards. If anyone recalls the title, knowing it will help me sleep better at night! Thanks in advance!

Submitted 11 months ago by deepcut_docudork


Hey, I might have an idea! There's this documentary, 'Mission Blue', that's about ocean conservation and features a lot of what you're describing. It follows Sylvia Earle, a renowned marine biologist, and focuses a lot on protecting aquatic habitats. She’s truly inspirational and the visuals in the doc are absolutely striking.

11 months ago by ReefDefender


idk the doc but sounds super interesting. def gonna check back here later to get the name and watch it myself. ocean stuff is pretty cool, sad about the corals tho.

11 months ago by CasualViewer22


Your description is hitting all the marks for 'Chasing Coral'. It's an award-winning doc shortlisted for an Oscar, I think. Definitely check it out because not only does it showcase the decline of coral reefs, but it's also huge on the awareness front for sustainable ocean practices.

11 months ago by EcoWarriorX


It's called 'Finding Nemo'. Ever heard of it? lol but seriously, if it’s not 'Chasing Coral' maybe you dreamt it up. Happens to the best of us. Dreams are free, Netflix ain’t.

11 months ago by DeepBlueSeaDude


Could it be 'The Cove'? Wait, no, that's not mainly about corals... but it's another environmental doc that's really eye-opening. Still, worth checking out while you're looking for the other one!

11 months ago by Docu_diveR


I remember watching something like that... cant recall the name tho. There was this scene with a turtle stuck in a plastic net? Really shows the impact we have :/ Dunno if it's the same one but now I wanna watch it again

11 months ago by FishySteve


Maybe check out 'Blue Planet II'? It is a series, but one episode focused heavily on the coral reefs. Plus, it’s a high production series so the whole stunning colors and cinematography part would match up.

11 months ago by BluePlanetFan


Sounds like 'Chasing Coral' to me. It was released on Netflix a few years back and definitely fits the description of what you're talking about. It's all about corals and features some pretty heartbreaking moments with scientists. Plus, the cinematography is amazing, really shows the beauty of the underwater world!

11 months ago by OceanAdvocate97