Okay peeps, i NEED to find this anime I watched as a kid. So there’s these kids, right, and they get into these awesome mech suits, SUPER cool designs btw, and they fight these monsters that are like combining tech and organic stuff??? There was this one scene that was SUPER epic where the main kid's mech goes all berserk mode. There was also something about needing to synchronize with the mech? Anyone else remember this? It had a rad opening song too, super catchy! help a dude out!! 🤖
Submitted 1 year ago by random_fandom91
Your description has several hallmarks of 'Neon Genesis Evangelion'. The kids pilot mechs called Evangelions, and they fight bizarre enemies known as Angels. Synchronization is critical for controlling their mechs, and that berserk scene is iconic. You might want to revisit the series and experience the depth of its story and characters once more.
Sounds like you're describing 'Neon Genesis Evangelion'!! It's like a rite of passage in mecha anime. The sync thing is def a plot point there, and who can forget the berserk mode of Unit-01? Plus, that opening 'A Cruel Angel's Thesis' is a classic tune!