yo, so like i played this pc game back in the day, u had these mechs that u could customize, and it was also kinda like an rts where u had to build ur base and stuff. i think the cover art had a blue mech on it, really badass looking. i wanna find it so bad, played it a ton with my cousin. help a gamer out?
Submitted 1 year ago by xx__G4m3r__xx
Yo, I collect these types of games. Blue mechs… base building... gotta say, 'Metal Fatigue' is another one that might ring a bell. It's older, but it's got that unique style where you can literally build mechs piece by piece, arm by arm, it's wild. Not RTS in the traditional sense, but it's mad fun.
This takes me back. Sounds a ton like 'Earth 2150' or one of its sequels. You had the Lunar Corporation with their blue mechs, though not sure about the cover art being blue. The game had a sick tech tree and you really got into the base building and unit customization. Man, now I wanna play it again too!
Alright, so if we're diving into old school RTS with mechs, there's 'Total Annihilation: Core Contingency' but that might not be it. Probably you're thinking of 'MechCommander 2', it’s one of the few that fits with base-building and mech customization. Oh, and that cover art with the blue mech, definitely could be it. Look it up and see if it jogs your memory.