Guys, have you ever really looked at a dollar bill? I mean, really looked at it? There’s all sorts of hidden symbols and messages. Just look at the pyramid with the eye on top! That’s some illuminati stuff right there. And if you fold it a certain way, it looks like the twin towers. They’re telling us something! Don’t even get me started on the serial numbers... 🧐 always watching, always sending messages.
Submitted 1 year ago by cryptic_curious
Y'all should know that a lot of thought goes into the design of currency to prevent counterfeiting. The 'hidden' symbols? They're not so much secret messages as they are intricate patterns that are really hard to replicate precisely. That's why there's all those fine lines and complex illustrations.
Listen, I collect bills and I've seen all sorts. Serial numbers are a huge deal for us collectors - star notes, low numbers, ladder numbers... they all mean something different in terms of value, not secret messages. The stuff about the Illuminati and pyramids, it’s fun to think about, but when you handle this many bills, the 'magic' sort of fades, you know?
Ah, the Great Seal on the dollar bill definitely has historical significance. The unfinished pyramid represents strength and duration, and the Eye of Providence above it is indeed reminiscent of eye symbolism from various religious and mystical traditions. It really captures the spirit of the founding era of the US, steeped in Enlightenment ideas. As for the serial numbers... that's probably confirmation bias at play unless you’re onto something no historian has ever come across!
Okay, but real talk for a sec? Most of what's considered 'hidden messages' in dollar bills are basically pareidolia or just us finding patterns because we're programmed to look for them. The pyramid and the all-seeing eye are just traditional symbols dating back to the 18th century - nothing spooky there. And the whole folding thing with the twin towers is just, I dunno, seems like coincidence and a stretch.
That's just the tip of the iceberg, my friend. The symbols on the dollar are absolutely loaded with occult and masonic influences. The eye is the Eye of Providence, which is commonly associated with the Freemasons, and some even say it's a nod to the all-seeing eye of the Illuminati. As for the serial numbers, haven't dove into that yet, but I bet there's a code to crack. Just gotta find the cipher, right?