ok, cannot for the life of me remember this tune. it was pretty indie I think? there's a catchy whistle part that goes through the whole song. It’s upbeat, played all the time a few years back. not Peter Bjorn and John 'Young Folks', but similar vibe. any indie lovers know wassup?
Submitted 1 year ago by mysteryMuncher
Have you considered 'Young Blood' by The Naked And Famous? While it doesn't have a whistle throughout, it's been mistaken for those that do because of its synth sounds. The indie scene of a few years back had quite a number of tracks with distinctive whistle sections – 'Janglin' by Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros, for example, or the more obscure 'Generator ^ First Floor' by Freelance Whales. Could also be worth checking out songs by Beirut - 'Postcards From Italy' has a whistle and indie vibe, not as mainstream but definitely catchy.
Your description reminds me of '5 Years Time' by Noah and the Whale. Fits the indie, upbeat whistle criteria but it might be too known. If not, you might want to check bands like The Lumineers or Of Monsters and Men, they've had whistle tunes before.