ughhh so there's this cartoon I used to watch back in the 90s or maybe early 2000s... it had a group of teens and there was this one with glasses and I'm pretty sure his name was something like Eddy or Neddy? They went around solving mysteries, I think? Not Scooby-Doo tho. It's driving me nuts! Anyone got any ideas?? 😭
Submitted 1 year ago by fuzzybrain1990
Not much to go on here, but a group of teens solving mysteries makes me cast my mind back to A Pup Named Scooby-Doo. I know you said it's not Scooby, but consider this a variant? It matches the timeline and has characters with glasses y'know.
This is driving me nuts now too. A bunch of teens... glasses... mysteries... That's every other cartoon from back in the day! You sure it's not Scooby? Maybe think about other details, would ya? Like the show's style or specific episode plots.
Hmmm, if it's not Scooby-Doo and it's about a group of teens solving mysteries, could it be Martin Mystery? It's got that same vibe, and Martin wears glasses sometimes when he's disguised. Though the name's not Eddy or Neddy, the feeling fits the bill?