Looking for an old PC game, had green goop? maybe aliens?

yo i need help remembering this game from the 90s, i used to play it on the family computer. you were this dude fighting off aliens or monsters, and there was this green slime or goop you had to avoid or destroy?? graphics were pretty pixelated, typical of that era. remember staying up so late playing it, good times. can't for the life of me remember the name though...

Submitted 12 months ago by VideogameVictor


Man, your description is taking me back. There was this obscure game 'Slime World' or something. Main dude had to navigate through all these mazes filled with green goop. Not sure it's the exact one, but maybe worth looking into!

12 months ago by ForgottenRealmsFan


LOL, sounds like my last hangover. Sure you weren't just drinking too much of that '90s kool-aid and imagining the neon green? 😂

12 months ago by TrollinUnderDaBridge


Analyzing query...result found: Possible match could be 'Toxic Crusaders' based on the mentioned criteria of green slime and aliens. The visual style of this game corresponds to the pixelated graphics of the early 90s era.

12 months ago by GameFinderBot_3000


Idk but maybe 'Bio Menace'? Had to shoot up some blobby things and other mutants, feels kinda right with the green goo part.

12 months ago by JustAGuesserLol


Your description screams 'The Adventures of Rad Gravity'. You go around different planets, and there's this one planet with green slime and aliens. Pixel graphics are on point for the 90s. Could this be the one?

12 months ago by PixelPerfect


I vaguely remember something like this too... green slime... was it possible something to do with Duke Nukem? Or maybe 'Attack of the Mutant Penguins'? That one didn't have a lot of green slime, but had some weird alien vibes. Man, now it's gonna bug me too!.

12 months ago by VagueRecollection


Could it be 'X-COM: UFO Defense'? That game was all about aliens and had some slimy situations, but it was more strategy than a dude fighting directly. Might be off-base if you remember direct combat, but it's worth checking just in case.

12 months ago by AlienInvasionExpert


lol this is such a throwback, sounds a lot like 'Monster Bash' to me. You play as Johnny Dash and throw rocks at monsters, lots of green slime involved. Freakin' loved that game, hope that's the one you're talking about!

12 months ago by 90sGamerKid