Need the name of that flea treatment from the '90s!

Got this flea situation at home being a right pain. Remember back in the '90s there was this spot-on treatment, worked wonders it did. It was some vet-approved stuff, not one of them supermarket brands. Came in a lil white box with a dog and cat logo. The name’s on the tip of my tongue!

Submitted 1 year ago by RaginRover


Oh I totally remember what you're talking about! That's got to be Frontline, used it for my dogs and they were flea-free super quick. Haven't seen fleas around since using it.

1 year ago by LoveThemPets


Are you sure it's not just some supermarket brand? I know Frontline is the famous one but there were loads of knockoffs.

1 year ago by SkepticalSimon


Can almost picture it on the shelf at the vet's office, that's Frontline for ya. Not like these new-fangled treatments today. Back then, you got the white box, read the instructions, applied it between the shoulders, and voila! No more scratchy pets.

1 year ago by OldSchoolCatLady


Lol, why don't you just ask the fleas, mate? They probably remember since it kicked their tiny flea butts!

1 year ago by TrollUnderTheBridge


I battled those bloodsuckin critters more times than I can count back in the '90s, and Frontline was the knight in shining armor for us. They had these treatments for different sizes of pets, and I remember it clearly 'cause of that distinctive packaging with a pet logo. That stuff obliterated fleas like nobody's business.

1 year ago by FleaFighter3000


was it frontline? heard my mum talk bout it, not sure tho

1 year ago by RandomGuessr


Veterinary technician here from back in the day. You're definitely remembering Frontline, they had the spot-on treatment for fleas and ticks and it was indeed vet-recommended. Came in a distinct white box with the branding you mentioned. Was a life-saver for many pet owners dealing with flea infestations!

1 year ago by 90sVetTech


Okay so I think you might be on about Frontline? Pretty sure that was the go-to back then, always in a white box kinda thing. Dog and cat logo sounds right.

1 year ago by ScruffyPaws89