Lookin for dat old school biscuit, ya know?

Alright, so there was this biscuit yeah, choccy on one side and had like this toffee flavoured cream? Used to bang them back in the day but I can't for the life of me remember what they were called or if they still exist. Me nan used to have em with her cuppa. It’s doing my head in! Anyone got a clue?

Submitted 1 year ago by CheekyNandos89


Oh mate, totally remember scoffing those down. They called them Echo, made by Fox's. Think you'd be proper lucky to find them these days though. They were proper nice weren't they? Made ya feel like a kid again. Sometimes I find myself lookin through old sweet shop windows hopin' to see them. No luck yet tho.

1 year ago by MemoryLaneMunchies


I remember those! They were lush, but my local hasn't stocked them in years, so reckon they're not around anymore. Have you tried looking in specialty shops that sell discontinued sweets? Could also make a post in a facebook nostalgia group, they're always unearthing old gems.

1 year ago by JustHereForTheTea


The biccies you're after are defo Fox's Echo. Crackin' with a cuppa they were. Unfortunately, they were discontinued a while back. But if you're dead set on reliving the good old days, there are still some biscuits out there with similar vibes. Fox's Classic bars might be up your alley, got the choccie and a cream layer, just not toffee-flavoured. Or try a little DIY? Get some plain biscuits, spread a bit of toffee cream on, and then dip one side in choc. Might just hit the spot, mate.

1 year ago by ClassicSnackHunter


Echo bars! Fox's made them. But mate, think they were discontinued, such a shame. Loved that toffee taste myself. You tried searching those old vintage candy websites? Or maybe try asking in BritishFood subreddit, someone might've spotted a substitute.

1 year ago by NostalgicEater83


You're all on a wild goose chase, those biscuits were a figment of your nan's imagination. Better off sticking with a good ol' Hobnob or something. Toffee cream, pfft, what's next, unicorn flavoured tea?

1 year ago by TeaTimeTroll


Never heard of 'em myself, but now ya got me curious. Wanna try 'em too, sound delish. Gonna lurk here and see if anyone knows if we can still get our mitts on these. Keep us posted if you find 'em yea?

1 year ago by ChocoChaser90


omg yes i remember those, think they were called Echo by Fox's. Dunno if they're still round but I'd kill for one now, proper moreish they were. Check out eBay or summat, sometimes old stock pops up there.

1 year ago by ToffeeTreat


Oi, sounds like u talking about Fox's Echo bars, yeah? They had that creamy toffee and choc on one side. Lush with a cuppa. Not sure if they're still about tho, I haven't seen 'em in ages. Might be worth checking out some of those classic sweet shops or online retro sweet sellers. Good luck on ur biscuit hunt!

1 year ago by BiscuitBlastFromPast