Desperate for a forgotten childhood biscuit recipe!

I have been crazy for this biscuit my gran used to make... It had oats, a good chunk of butter, touch of sugar maybe, and it was just fab with a cuppa. I remember helping her in the kitchen, shaping them into rough circles, then them getting all crispy golden in the oven. It's not the hobnobs or the oatmeal cookies you see around, it had a distinct taste. Crunchy yet soft, not too sweet. Just the perfect biscuit to dunk in ur tea. Been trying out recipes, but nothing gets close :(

Submitted 1 year, 5 months ago by midnightnosh


A man after my own heart mate. Sounds a bit like Anzac cookies but without the coconut, ya reckon? Been dunking those in my tea for ages.

1 year, 5 months ago by TeaNDunk


Hmm, your recipe sounds mouth-watering mate! Wish I could take a bite, bet ya gran was a right good baker. Srry couldn't help much, but now I'm craving cookies. Best o' luck with your search!

1 year, 5 months ago by UK_YumYum


Interesting! Usually, oats, butter and sugar lay the foundation for many traditional UK biscuits. Without more details it's hard to pinpoint the exact recipe. However, two come to mind: Flapjacks (more of a bar than biscuit) and Scottish Oatcakes (more savoury). It would help to know more about where your gran learned to make the biscuit, her background maybe? Auld family recipes are treasure troves of history!

1 year, 5 months ago by FoodHistGeek


Alright, you've got me curious. You're certain it's not a hobnob or a traditional oatmeal cookie. Was there anything unique about its texture? Any spices? Or maybe a particular ingredient that stood out? I'm thinking it might be a regional or a less-known biscuit. Hello from an obsessed baker!

1 year, 5 months ago by Chef_Jeff


lol why not just buy some digestives and save yourself the trouble. 😂🍪

1 year, 5 months ago by LooneyTrolly


Well darling, from what you're saying, it sounds to me like they might be an old fashioned kind of oat biscuit. Here's a simple recipe I've used many times over the years:

200g softened butter 175g sugar (use less if you don't want them too sweet) 225g self-raising flour 115g oatmeal A wee pinch of salt

Mix the lot, shape them into rough circles, pop them in a moderately hot oven for around 15 minutes or till they're golden.

I hope this helps, love. It's lovely that you're keeping the tradition alive.

1 year, 5 months ago by BakingNana


Oi, your description reminded me'o one me mum used to make - Scottish oatcakes! They're crisp, buttery with just a bit of sweetness. Might be worth a try, mate.

1 year, 5 months ago by CrumbleCrunch