That one episode of '90s sitcom with the painting mess up

GUYS!! There is this episode of a 90s sitcom - could be 'Friends', 'Seinfeld', or another one, almost certain it's not 'Frasier' tho - where one of the characters accidentally messes up a painting? It's been used in a bunch of 'epic fail' compilations but can't find the original clip. It's a pretty well-known sitcom for sure. Anyone who knows the exact episode or the scene link?

Submitted 8 months ago by series_solver


There are several instances in '90s sitcoms where art gets messed up, but the one you're probably remembering might be from The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air. There's an episode where Will and Carlton are at an auction, inadvertently vandalize a portrait by spraying water on it. They then buy it to hide the mishap. The episode is called 'I, Stank Hole in One' from Season 5 if you want to check it out. Quite iconic and usually makes it to compilation videos.

8 months ago by AnalystGeek


Are you sure you're not confusing it with a movie? I can't recall a 90s sitcom where a painting gets ruined. Unless we're stretching it and considering 'Boy Meets World' where Cory touched up a painting but that's not a mess-up, just an art class scene.

8 months ago by JustMyOpinionMan


You're definitely thinking of Full House! There’s an episode where DJ and Stephanie accidentally punch a hole in Danny’s wall and then cover it up with a Jesse and the Rippers poster. It’s not exactly a painting but it was a huge mess up LOL. Check Season 3, Episode 3, 'The First Day of School' 💥

8 months ago by ninetieskid4eva


Maybe it's a ghost episode and the painting messed itself up? :P

8 months ago by prankster1999


idk if this helps but there was an ep of 'Everybody Loves Raymond' where Ray's dad backs into a table and breaks this big important wedding gift vase. It's not a painting but maybe you're mixing up the eps?

8 months ago by SitcomHivemind


hmm yea I don't think that happens in Friends? or seinfeld tbh... maybe try looking up shows like 'Married with Children' or 'The Fresh Prince', could be in those too. those kind of physical comedy gags were everywhere back then lol.

8 months ago by remember_the_90s


Oh, I totally know what you're talking about! There's an episode of Friends called 'The One With the Fake Monica' (Season 1, Episode 21). In that one, Ross buys a super ugly painting from Monica's fake friend's art show. It doesn't get messed up per se, but it's used as a gag for a bad painting. That might not be it, but it sprung to mind!

8 months ago by TVbuff92