Song with the whistling and a funky beat??

heard this tune in a coffee shop, can't get it out of my head. it's got this catchy whistling in the chorus and a funky beat to it. kinda sounded indie or alternative, not mainstream pop for sure. don't remember any lyrics though which sucks... someone please tell me you know what I'm talking about!

Submitted 1 year ago by music_manic


Just whistle back to the coffee shop machine, maybe it'll answer with the song title. lol

1 year ago by GrumpyOl'Troll


whistles huh, I always try to Shazam these things but my phone's like, nah, no clue what that is haha. Hope someone here can figure it out for you!

1 year ago by not_a_music_guru


Alright, so not mainstream, got a funky beat and some indie vibes. There's a song 'Home' by Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros that has a whistling part people dig a lot. However, it could also be something by The Black Keys or even The Killers when they go for a less rocky sound. Try combing through some playlists with indie hits from the last decade, might pop up there.

1 year ago by Juk3b0xHero


Omg I'm always hearing songs in cafes and then forgetting them, so frustrating! 😅 Have you tried using a music recognition app next time something like this happens? It's saved me more than once!

1 year ago by NonstopTunes


ur description is vague but lets roll with it. 'Pumped Up Kicks' also has whistling but chances r u wouldve recognized it... maybe try 'Let Her Go' by Passenger, bit more downbeat and has a solid whistle. idk man good luck

1 year ago by xXMusicSnobXx


Whistling you say? Foster The People comes to mind. But then, you said not mainstream... There's a band called Still Corners with a song called 'The Trip' - not super well-known, and it's got a memorable whistle in it.

1 year ago by whistlewhiz


Sounds like something that would be by Fitz and the Tantrums. They've got some tracks with whistling. Check out 'The Walker', might not be it, but it's got a catchy whistle thing goin on.

1 year ago by random_throwaway122334


Hmm, whistling and a funky beat, makes me think of Peter Bjorn and John - 'Young Folks'. But that's kinda mainstream. Could be something more obscure. Remember anything else, like any instruments or was it a male or female vocal? That could really narrow it down.

1 year ago by IndieGrooveMachine