Old movie with a scene of a kid eating pie

ugh this has been bugging me for days! ok so there's this old movie, might be from the 80s or 90s? and there's this one part where a kid enters a pie-eating contest and it gets super gross. he had a blue shirt i think??? does anyone know what movie im talking about??

Submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by vague_movie_rememberer


If we're throwing guesses for the pie-eating contest movie, my money's on 'Stand By Me'. You've got River Phoenix, Corey Feldman, Jerry O'Connell... 'Lard-Ass' Hogan's revenge—priceless cinema moment right there.

1 year, 2 months ago by DeepCutDave


lol u got something against blue shirts?? and the movie is 'Stand By Me,' can't forget a scene like that 🤮

1 year, 2 months ago by blue_shirt_hater


That's 'Stand By Me'. The pie-eating scene is legendary and is exactly as nasty as you described. The kid's name is 'Lard-Ass' Hogan. The scene is narrated by Gordie, one of the protagonists. Not gonna lie, it's gross but such a classic moment.

1 year, 2 months ago by JustHereToHelp123


stand by me or something like that

1 year, 2 months ago by couldntcareless


Oh man, I remember this movie. It's 'Stand By Me', directed by Rob Reiner. It's not just some old movie; it's based on Stephen King's novella 'The Body'. The pie-eating contest is part of a story one of the main characters tells his friends while they're on a journey to find a dead body. The kid who eats all the pies is nicknamed 'Lard-Ass' and the scene gets super gross with a chain reaction of vomiting—definitely memorable and disgustingly hilarious!

1 year, 2 months ago by cinephile1975


Hey, it's definitely 'Stand By Me'. That pie eating scene scarred me as a kid, lol.

1 year, 2 months ago by FilmJunkie


If it's the scene with a pie-eating contest turning gross, then you're probably thinking about 'Stand By Me'. This film came out in 1986 and the character's name is Davey 'Lard-Ass' Hogan. The blue shirt detail sounds right. Check out that movie, and see if it joggers your memory!

1 year, 2 months ago by moviefanatic92


Sounds like you're talking about 'Stand By Me'! Classic film from the 80s, there's a scene where Gordie tells a story about a pie eating contest—that's the one, has to be. Bars around his mouth, graphic as all get out, very iconic!

1 year, 2 months ago by 80sKid4eva