guys, need help finding a sci-fi book i read a while back. it's got this rad concept where the characters can travel through dreams or something like that. there was this device or machine they used to do it?? the cover had a surreal, kinda dystopian landscape on it. the title's on the tip of my tongue, but just can't remember. thx in advance!
Submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by spacedout_dreamer
Alright, so there's a few books that come to mind with dream travel. Check out 'The Dream Master' by Roger Zelazny, might not be dystopian but it's got the dream mechanic down. There's also 'A Scanner Darkly' by Philip K. Dick which has a surreal cover on some editions and deals with altered states of consciousness, though not exactly dream travel. But still might be what you're after.
OMG, it sounds like you're describing 'Otherland' by Tad Williams. It's more virtual reality than dreams but the cover art of some editions is totally surreal and fits that dystopian vibe. The series is a bit of a commitment, but so worth it!
This definitely sounds like 'The Lathe of Heaven' by Ursula K. Le Guin. Protagonist has dreams that alter reality and uses a device to augment it. Classic sci-fi, and it fits the dystopian cover theme you mentioned. Definitely check it out again, it's a masterpiece!