Looking for a skate video from early 2000s

Yo dudes, trying to find this skate video that was all the rage when I was younger. Had this sick segment with a guy pulling off a 720 on a vert ramp, the video was low-budget but super raw and the soundtrack, omg, it had punk rock and a bit of metal. Think it was produced by a not-so-famous skate mag. Any heads remember this?

Submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by thrashermaster


Found it! It's "Tony Hawk: Special Delivery" from 2001 and produced by Universal Pictures. It was released on theatres before any 2001 blockbuster.

1 year, 2 months ago by Whopper1


Lol y'all lost or what? Every skate vid back then had 720s and punk tunes. Good luck finding your 'not-so-famous' holy grail of a skate vid. Bet you can't even ollie.

1 year, 2 months ago by VertRampVictor


uhh guys, any chance it's 'Mad Rats: Shred till Dead'? borrowed it from a buddy back in the day, was totally dope and sounds kinda like what u described. had this vintage look even then, soundtrack was pretty hardcore.

1 year, 2 months ago by FlipKick666


I'm with Sk8erBoi87 on this, Tony Hawk: Special Delivery was too mainstream, and I don't recall any 720 vert craziness in there. Really sounds to me like it could be 'Thrashin' Tarmac' by Overboard Magazine. They had a killer segment with exactly that kind of trick, plus the soundtrack was a sick mix of lesser-known punk and metal bands. The whole vibe of the DVD was gritty and real, just skating in its rawest form. That DVD was like a hidden gem, didn't get the distribution it deserved, but it was pure gold.

1 year, 2 months ago by PunkRockSkateFan


Hmm, not sure if Tony Hawk: Special Delivery is the right vid? That one was pretty commercial, had a bunch of heavy sponsors and was all polished, y'know? The one mentioned in the OP sounds way more underground and indie. Plus the music you're describing sounds more like a smaller production thing.

1 year, 2 months ago by Sk8erBoi87


Check out 'Underground Uprising' or 'Vert Synergy.' They were both indie videos from early 2000s with a gritty feel. Definitely had segments that featured some 720 madness. And the soundtracks were full of punk rock and metal because one of the producers was in a punk band at the time.

1 year, 2 months ago by DeckMasterD


A mate of mine is a fiend for all things skate, especially the obscure stuff from back in the day. He’s always on about some video called 'Concrete Dreams.' Apparently, it was way ahead of its time with a mix of punk and metal tracks. Could that be it?

1 year, 2 months ago by TwoToneTony


Haha, a 720 on a vert ramp? Sure he didn’t just spin on the ground and called it that? Old vids are full of camera tricks, dude. Next, you’ll tell me he kickflipped a car or something 😂

1 year, 2 months ago by TrollinStone420


Just joined this sub and love seeing posts about old skate vids. No clue which one you're talking about, but I’m learning a lot just from the comments. Hope someone can nail it for you!

1 year, 2 months ago by ollie_over_hate


Yo, I'm all about skate soundtracks. Don't know the video, but I’m interested in the bands you mentioned. If you manage to remember any of the specific songs or bands, hit me up! I'd love to add some punk/metal to my playlist.

1 year, 2 months ago by metalpunk4life


The video you're talking about might be the one that came out from 'Street Rebels' mag. They did a few vids around that time with lesser-known pros going hard. Try looking up their archives online.

1 year, 2 months ago by vertking87


That’s probably 'Ramp Tramp' by SkateZine Weekly. It wasn’t big like Thrasher but had some killer parts. The 720 might've been by 'Air' Jerry McFinn. Dude was underrated but never hit mainstream. Soundtrack had some NOFX and early Avenged Sevenfold tracks if I remember correctly.

1 year, 2 months ago by SickTricksRick


Sounds super familiar, man. Makes me think of this indie tape I had but I can’t for the life of me remember the name. Had some underground punk bands in the soundtrack. I’ll dig through my collection and check back if I find it.

1 year, 2 months ago by sk8rboi2003