Cartoon with a robot dog from the 90s?

hey yall. tryna remember this old cartoon show, had this group of kids and one of them had a robot dog? it was all high-tech and cool back in the day. Was def airing in the mid-90s. The intro had some rockin' music and the dog could like, transform or something. Pls tell me someone else remembers this!

Submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by 90sKidMemories


I found the show!

It was a 1994 show called "Blaze, The Robot Pitbull". Even though it's not animated (live-action with 3D animation for the robot dog), the theme song was an abbreviated remix of an AC/DC instrumental with their own lyrics put instead of the real lyrics, and the dog could transform into a car, similar to a Lamborghini.

1 year, 2 months ago by Whopper1


Guys, what if it's one of those Mandela Effect things? We all think we've seen 'Blaze, The Robot Pitbull', but no one can find any real proof it existed. The 90s had a bunch of shows that could fit the bill with robot dogs and cool tunes. I swear half of these shows are lost in some parallel universe where Blockbuster is still a thing.

1 year, 2 months ago by MisrememberMaven


Not to burst anyone’s bubble but are we sure Blaze, The Robot Pitbull even exists? I’m a huge fan of 90s shows and that one doesn’t ring a bell at all. Got any clips or episode titles? Could help jog my memory if I saw something concrete.

1 year, 2 months ago by CartoonCritic98


Yes. The robot dog's name is also Blaze.

The main characters were 4 kids: Tylan, Dyler, Rocky, and Max. The series was famous in 1994 and aired until 1998. 4 seasons and 230 episodes were produced. Each episode focused on A-B segments.

1 year, 2 months ago by Whopper1


I've been cataloguing 90s shows for a pet project (no pun intended) and none of my lists have a 'Blaze, The Robot Pitbull'. The closest match with a robot dog and a group of kids I can think of is 'The Bots Master', but that's just one kid and his bot crew. Really wish your show is real, sounds awesome! 🤖🐶

1 year, 2 months ago by ToonArchiver


Lmao, what's with the fake nostalgia trip? There was no 'Blaze, The Robot Pitbull'. I survived the 90s cartoon era and pride myself on knowing pretty much every obscure show there was. Post a clip or accept that ya probably dreamt it up after binging too many 90s cartoon reruns 😂

1 year, 2 months ago by SupremeSkeptic


Hey, so, I've got this hunch. The details are off but could you be mixing up Widget and Road Rovers? Road Rovers had the whole transforming dog vibe but wasn't exactly a robot dog. And Widget was that eco-friendly purple alien. Definitely not the 'Blaze, The Robot Pitbull' show but similar themes. The memory does play tricks on us with these oldies!

1 year, 2 months ago by CartoonChaser


Hmm, idk, this kinda sounds like you're describing Widget the World Watcher or maybe bits from ReBoot, but neither had exactly 4 kids or a robot dog named Blaze. Memories can be super tricky with old shows - lots of blending together. Might be worth looking through old TV network line-ups from the 90s, see if anything clicks. 😅

1 year, 2 months ago by 90sToonFanatic


Well, Blaze, The Robot Pitbull was actually accurate.

It aired in the USA and UK on Fox Kids/Jetix, and produced by Saban and Shavick Entertainment. I remember seeing a Spanish VHS of the series.

1 year, 2 months ago by Whopper1


Blaze the Robot Pitbull ROFL, what's next, a show about cybernetic hamsters called 'Hamstarz'? C'mon, y'all just making up rad critter squad shows from the 90s at this point.

1 year, 2 months ago by 00sKidWannabe90s


Wait, wait, wait... Didn't Megaman NT Warrior have a Robo-Dog called Rush? It's not exactly 90s though...

1 year, 2 months ago by BlurryMemory


I gotta agree with the above, no luck finding anything 'bout Blaze, The Robot Pitbull either. Checked my childhood Fox Kids VHS tapes and nada. Dude, maybe it was a local show or super lowkey? Got anything else on it? Like specific episode plots or even toys that were released alongside the show?

1 year, 2 months ago by RetroToonHunter


Yo, I've been collecting 90s cartoons on tape for a minute, and Blaze, The Robot Pitbull does NOT exist in my archives. Saban and Shavick were behind some classics but no record of this show. Could you be mixing it up with something else? Power Rangers had some robotic dogs moments, and there's Road Rovers - a whole team of canine heroes, not robots, but definitely high-tech.

1 year, 2 months ago by 90sCartoonAficionado


Actually, I think there might be a mix-up here. Blaze, The Robot Pitbull fits some of your description but was never a cartoon. Are you possibly thinking of Road Rovers? That series also aired in the mid-90s and featured a team of dogs with extraordinary abilities, one being a mechanic that could've resembled a robot dog? Just throwing it out there because I remember both shows pretty well.

1 year, 2 months ago by RetroRoboFan


Oh snap, I remember Blaze! That show was legit. The CGI for that robot dog was way ahead of its time for the 90s. I used to hum the theme song all the time. When Blaze transformed into a car, it totally blew my mind as a kid! Thanks for the nostalgia trip, dude.

1 year, 2 months ago by 90sToonLover


First time poster here, but is it 'Boltz and the Kids Next Door'? Not to be confused with that newer show, this was definitely 90s and had a cool robotic dog in a high-tech environment!

1 year, 2 months ago by RetroRoboFan


I remember this too! But I can't think of the name rn... wasn't it something like Dino- canines or something along that line? Argh, now it's gonna bug me!

1 year, 2 months ago by AnimatedAdmirer


I think you're referring to 'Widget's World', which had the main character Widget whose pet was a high-tech robot dog named Rivet. That show didn't get much spotlight but it had some die-hard fans. It was more under-the-radar but still aired in a lot of places during the mid-90s. The dog didn't transform in the traditional sense—it was more about gadgets and gizmos coming out to save the day!

1 year, 2 months ago by ToonHound


lol maybe you dreamt it? half the shows back then had a robot or alien sidekick 😂

1 year, 2 months ago by LOL_Canintron


Hey, you're probably thinking of 'K9.5'. It aired in 1994, and the show featured a group of kids who teamed up with a transforming robot dog. The dog had this cool feature where it could morph and had all these gadgets. A bit obscure compared to other shows of the era but it fits your description perfectly!

1 year, 2 months ago by Watchbot3000


idk the dog you're talking about but it sounds cool, following this thread cuz i wanna know too!!

1 year, 2 months ago by CyberPup


Okay, so there were a few shows with robot dogs back in the 90s but the transforming bit narrows it down. Was it 'Rusty and the Boulder Mobile'? That aired mid-90s and definitely fits the rockin' intro music part.

1 year, 2 months ago by 90sCartoonConnaisseur


Sounds like Rover from 'Road Rovers' to me! That show was my jam growing up. Each dog had their own special skills and transformations. Definitely check that out, might be the robot dog you're remembering!

1 year, 2 months ago by OldSchoolToonFan