Detailed Inquiry into a Book Series

I have been attempting to recall a particularly riveting young adult fantasy series that I had encountered many years ago. The series involves multiple young characters who each reside in different provinces, each province relates to a different element (There were four – fire, water, earth and air, if my memory doesn’t betray me)

From what I can recall, each character discovers their elemental powers in the first few books and goes on a quest to reach a secret sanctuary located in the central province, a place that harmoniously housed all four elements. In one of the books, there was also an adventure involving a particularly treacherous forest.

The most distinctive character that I can remember was a little girl blessed with water powers; she had sea-green eyes and her province was home to vivacious waterfalls and luminescent underwater creatures.

Any help would be supremely appreciated, I believe the series had a total of 7 to 9 books perhaps.

Submitted 1 year, 5 months ago by Bibliophile_Bookworm


Dunno, but sounds like a cool read. Hope you find it, pal. Could do with something new on my reading list.

1 year, 5 months ago by GuessingGenie


This piqued my interest and I spent some time combing through my old reviews. It sounds like you might be thinking of the 'Elements Rising' saga. It's a nine book series, each one exploring the different provinces and their corresponding elements. There's also a secret sanctuary that the characters aim to reach. There was a girl character in the water book with vivid sea-green eyes, engaging with waterfalls and sparkling ocean life. One of the books also uniquely entailed dealing with a dangerous forest with a depth of challenges. I believe the author was Sarah Brighton, but it's been a while since I've reviewed it.

1 year, 5 months ago by BookBlogger42


Your description is a mishmash of about a hundred different stock-standard YA fantasy series. Gonna need a few more specifics if you want a proper answer.

1 year, 5 months ago by CynicalCritique


Omg I think I know which one you're talking about. I read it when I was in middle school but the name completely escapes me now. Was there a character who could talk to animals or something?

1 year, 5 months ago by MatildaTheBookworm


Sounds like that Nickelodeon show, Avatar or something? Got a flying bison in there too? lol

1 year, 5 months ago by MrEpicTroll


As someone who's read a fair share of YA fantasy, your description immediately brought to mind the 'Realm of the Elements' series. It has multiple young protagonists from various elemental provinces and these include fire, water, earth, and air just like you described. The number of books in the series also matches your recollection. The water character is a young girl with seagreen eyes who lived in a province famous for its vibrant waterfalls and bright underwater creatures. There is even an episode with a dense forest riddled with obstacles. However, without more information, I can't be more certain. Do you remember any other details?

1 year, 5 months ago by BookGoblin


Could it be the 'Elemental Quartet' series by L.J. Williams? Fits your description quite well from what I can recall. The main characters hail from different provinces with distinct elements and the girl with water powers from a waterfall-dotted province rings a bell.

1 year, 5 months ago by FantasyBookAddict