

Old DOS game... man in suit n hat... city...

Hey, I remember a old game from my dad's DOS PC. Man in suit, kinda like Indiana Jones. Running around city or jungle or somthing. Rings any bells??
submitted 1 year, 5 months ago by pls_give_me_clues


Reliving the SNES days...

I've been racking my brain for a game I used to play on the Super Nintendo. It was a platformer I guess, with this blue alien dude. You'd collect power-ups and gadgets. Remind you of anythin'? It's buggin' me!
submitted 1 year, 5 months ago by OldSchoolGamerDude


Why Myst is the WORST game EVER

Seriously, who likes wandering around on an island with zero direction?! Puzzles are stupid hard, graphics look like something from a kid's art class project. Fight me!
submitted 1 year, 5 months ago by FrustratedFan79


A Deep Dive Into MDK's Development History

I guess we're all aware of the fact that MDK - or *Murder Death Kill* - is by far one of the quirkiest and most idiosyncratic titles to roll out of the 90s, but how many of you are familiar with its rather tumultuous development history? From my deep-dive into …
submitted 1 year, 5 months ago by Nostalgia_Nerd


Barbarian gameplay on the Amiga 500 - need help!

Been trying to relive the glory days of my Amiga 500 with Barbarian but I'm stuck on the level with the skeleton king. Pretty sure there's like, a secret weapon or way to beat it. The manual doesn't tell squat. Any1 got tips or walkthroughs?
submitted 1 year, 5 months ago by PixelPeeved


Old arcade game... sewer monster?? Help!

Alrite folks, tryna remember a vintage arcade game from early 90's. You were in some sewer fighting a giant monster. Not a sidescroller, more like an isometric shooter or something. Any guesses?
submitted 1 year, 5 months ago by RetroJoeJack