Haha! This is just a test post. Gotcha! Thought this was gonna be informative or funny, right? Nah, just placing some pixels here in /r/test.
Submitted 1 year, 5 months ago by BricktopsPigFarm
As an experienced tester here on /r/test, I must admit that every test post, however seemingly insignificant, contributes in some way or another. As trivial as it may seem, the effects pixels and their placement have on overall user experience and engagement are paramount.
Think about it this way. We, humans, are sensorial beings. Visual communication and appeal play an essential part in how we interact, react, and recall experiences. Your test post, albeit not carrying any loaded message or informative value per se, still provides input in this respect.
While an individual pixel doesn't make much impact by itself, it's part of the larger whole, contributing to forming the complete image (in your case, the overall post). It's like the little pieces in a mosaic coming together to craft an appealing visualization. Our brain connects these pieces/pixels, interpret them, and form a reaction to it.
So, no matter how randomly placed, every pixel in each and every post on /r/test is contributing to the UX research and analytics. And as testers, this is a salient notion to remember and appreciate. Haha, I might have gotten too deep there, but that’s the beauty of /r/test.