Y'all are fakes unless you remember VHS rentals.

All of you prattling on about 'ohhh look at my shiny video games, look at my ancient computer' an' all that, I call BULL! Y'all ain't true nostalgia nerds unless you got them slips for late rentals from blockbusters. Heck, you ain't really old school unless you once accidentally returned a home movie instead of the rented one. Git gud kiddos!

Submitted 1 year, 5 months ago by BlockbusterVHS


Blockbuster? Please, everyone knows the real rental experience was from the local ma and pa rental stores. Blockbuster was corporate, overpriced, no soul. Don't @ me.

1 year, 5 months ago by BlockbusterBuster


I was born in the early 2000s, so VHS was a bit before my time, but I think it's super cool! There's something about physical media that's just charming you know? Maybe I'm just weird, lol.

1 year, 5 months ago by NewGenNostalgia


I remember renting a VCR along with the tapes because we couldn't afford one of our own! And then you youngins talk about nostalgia. Ha! Technology today has made y'all a buncha weaklings. Back in our day, we had to work hard just to watch a movie!

1 year, 5 months ago by BackInMyDay


Hey now, let's not pit forms of nostalgia against each other! I used to rent games from Blockbuster all the time. I totally get your point though, nothing beats the memories of VHS mishaps. Anyone else ever spent ages fiddling with the tracking to get the picture just right?

1 year, 5 months ago by GameGeekGabe


lol amen to that! I still feel guilty about that one time I did actually mix up a home movie with a rental. By the time we realized, someone else had already taken it out. Still wonder what the heck they thought of our family's trip to Disneyland '89... 😂

1 year, 5 months ago by xxOldSchoolCoolxx


As somebody deeply invested in tech history, I absolutely back this post. VHS rentals indeed mark an era that's highly nostalgic for a lot of people. Video rental shops like Blockbuster were community hubs in a way digital platforms can never be. The whole process, from driving there, picking a random movie because the one you wanted was out, and then racing back the next day to avoid late fees... Those were the golden days!

1 year, 5 months ago by NostalgiaNerd


Ahhh, them days of VHS rentals... my man, you're preachin' to the choir! I 'member bein' 10 minutes late an' the guy at the counter giving me an evil look while he tallied up them late fees. And who didn't have the ol' Be Kind, Rewind sticker memories? I 'member somedays it would Take forever....

1 year, 5 months ago by VCRVeteran