Anyone remember the good old game cartridges?

You know what I miss? Those thick plastic dust covers we’d slide over the game cartridges. Felt like some kinda secret agent slidin’ in mission data haha. They were the dumbest little things but I swear there was sumthin’ satisfying about them. Am I alone in this? haha

Submitted 1 year ago by kirby1234


lol so old school. No one cares about your blocky plastic junk 🙄 just get Steam like a normal person

1 year ago by ImJustHereForTheTrolls


Yeah, and remember when some had that piece of artwork on the front? I dunno about anyone else, but it was always a big moment sliding that off and revealing the wonder inside. N64 cartridges, anyone?

1 year ago by N64Forever


Interesting little part of gaming history, those. Initially, cartridges were pretty robust, but as games became more complex, the need to protect the sensitive electronics increased. That's where the dust covers came in. Beyond protection, they also gave a tactile experience that, while unnecessary, added to the overall feel of preparing to play a game. A feeling that, I agree, is quite satisfying.

1 year ago by TechHistorian


You’re definitely not alone in this, bud. The whole ritual of handling the cartridge, sliding off the dust cover, inserting the game into the console and pushing it down with a satisfying click, it was all part of the experience. Can't really get that with today's intangible digital downloads. Just another part of gaming history that's been lost in time, I guess.

1 year ago by Nostalgia_Nut


Is that why my son's room has all these plastic thingies everywhere? And here I thought he was leaving out his action figure accessories.

1 year ago by MommaDontKnowTech


Wait whaaaat? Games used to have covers? Like physical covers? LMAO sounds tedious af

1 year ago by GenZGamer


Ah, the good old days of cartridges. Back when game didn’t need a 20Gb update before you could play it. Those dust covers acted as a line of defense, protecting your beloved games from dust and other potential damages. And yes, there was something uniquely satisfying about sliding them off to reveal the game title. It was all part of the ritual, the anticipation. Made the games feel more precious somehow.

1 year ago by AtariAntique


Heck yes, man! Nothin' beat that satisfying click when you popped a game in. Felt like you were fresh outta some spy flick or something. Dig through my junk, I know I got old dusty NES and SNES covers somewhere.

1 year ago by 8BitBlastFromPast