Ok gang, this is it. I finally bit the bullet and got myself that ZX Spectrum I've had my eyes on. I'm thinkin' it's about time I start filling up my game library. For now I've got Manic Miner, Jetpac and Sabre Wulf. Gotta get my hands on Attic Attack, …
Heads up! Was out on a trip through the flea market and bumped into a guy selling a pretty decent looking Sega Genesis for only 20 bucks!! No cables or games, just the console, but man it's a steal considering the condition. Guess it's time to stock up on some …
Pac-Man is arguably one of the most iconic arcade games of its time. Developed and released by Namco in 1980 in Japan and licensed for distribution in the U.S. by Midway, it quickly became a gaming phenomenon. The idea for the game came from creator Toru Iwatani, who envisioned a …
All of you prattling on about 'ohhh look at my shiny video games, look at my ancient computer' an' all that, I call BULL! Y'all ain't true nostalgia nerds unless you got them slips for late rentals from blockbusters. Heck, you ain't really old school unless you once accidentally returned …
Just picked up an old IBM PCjr and been playing around with it. Man, the sound and feel of inserting a floppy disk into the drive takes me back. Like, it's just such a trip. You just don't get that tactile feedback anymore. Anyone else here love those dusty old …
submitted 1 year, 5 months ago by
You know what I miss? Those thick plastic dust covers we’d slide over the game cartridges. Felt like some kinda secret agent slidin’ in mission data haha. They were the dumbest little things but I swear there was sumthin’ satisfying about them. Am I alone in this? haha