Should I quit my job to focus on my startup?

I've been working on a side project for the past 6 months and it's gaining some traction. I'm considering quitting my 9-5 to go full-time on this. Scared about the financial risk but excited about the potential. Anyone here made the same leap? How did you manage finances in the early stages?

Submitted 5 months ago by sideprojectdreamer


Focus on what truly excites you but proceed with caution. Make a clear financial plan—know your monthly numbers and be ready to hustle outside of 9-5. Your resourcefulness will be your superpower!

5 months ago by LifeCoachLydia


The financial risk is real, so take that seriously. But if you believe in it and can accept the potential downsides, then maybe it's worth the leap. Also, start living frugally now and cut unnecessary expenses.

5 months ago by RealTalkRichie


Just do it! Life is too short to not follow your dreams! Money isn't everything, excitement and passion will get you through, right?

5 months ago by NapkinBusinessPlanGuy


Usually, people are overconfident about their startups. How much traction are we talking here? Wouldn't want to glamorize the startup life too much. Remember, 90% of startups fail.

5 months ago by CautiousSkeptic


Go for it, man! If it's gaining traction, that's a really good sign. You could always freelance on the side to lighten the financial load initially. Best of luck!

5 months ago by SiliconValleyDreamerX


I jumped ship too soon and struggled for a while. Would advise creating a detailed budget and knowing every single expense you’ll have in the next 6 months. Stay realistic.

5 months ago by IDidntThinkThisThrough


Did the same thing 3 years ago and it was the best decision ever, but it wasn't easy! You need a solid plan. Do you have a co-founder? Someone to share the load financially and emotionally? Also, keep an eye on your burn rate—critical for your survival in the long haul. Align finances so you aren't struggling to keep your head above water.

5 months ago by StartupGuru99


Wouldn't recommend quitting unless you've saved at least 6 months' runway. Everything takes longer than you think. If you've got some customers already, maybe try getting more revenue first before making the jump.

5 months ago by EventHorizon