format to use:
Hello, im (your name) and i made (startup name)
we are offering (price) to X users who replies
try fir free at (url must be start.lk/yourstartup)
Submitted 8 months, 4 weeks ago by MichaelBollox
I'm Dan, co-founder of MarketMingle. Our platform connects small businesses with investors. Currently, it's $30/month but we're offering 6 months free to the first 10 people who reply. Dive into start.lk/marketmingle for more info. This could be a game changer if you're looking for funding or new markets. We've already helped 500+ startups grow, and we offer tailored consulting services as well.
I made Crafty, a platform for DIY lovers. First 10 people to reply get it for just $5/month. Try it at start.lk/crafty free for 7 days!
Hey, I'm Mark from FitFriend. It's like a social network for fitness enthusiasts. We’re offering a 3-month free trial to the first 20 who reply! Visit start.lk/fitfriend
I started a small educational app called LearnEasy. It’s $15/month but first 5 who reply get 1 month free. Check it at start.lk/learneasy!
Hey, I'm Mike, co-founder of Taskly. Taskly organizes your daily tasks efficiently. Offering a free pro version to the first 25 users who reply. Use start.lk/taskly to try it out.
Bob here, launched BudgetTracker. We're offering $10/month subscriptions to first 10 users who reply. Check it out for free at start.lk/budgettracker
Hi there, I'm Jane and I made QuickMeal. We're offering 50% off to the first 20 users who reply. Try for free at start.lk/quickmeal. Thanks!