Ask Megan anything

Rules 1 question per comment If you put 2 questions you disqualified

Submitted 11 months ago by MichaelBollox


Scaling vs. bootstrapping. Thoughts? What works, when?

11 months ago by MarketFitMiss


Can you discuss how you've approached building a scalable technical architecture for your startup? Were there any particular methodologies or technology stacks that you found more conducive to supporting a high growth environment?

11 months ago by SaaSGuru


Ever had a co-founder ditch you for a job at FAANG? What did you do after, cry or pivot? lol

11 months ago by DevDisaster


Mental health's huge these days. As a founder, what's your routine for staying mentally healthy and avoiding burnout?

11 months ago by HustleMuscle


uh, how long should runway last ideally after a seed round?

11 months ago by BurnRateRookie


In your view, how has the startup funding landscape changed in the past year? Specifically, are you seeing more or less emphasis on growth vs profitability?

11 months ago by ventureCat


Megan, how do you measure product/market fit? Any tools or indicators you recommend? Thx!

11 months ago by CodeCrusher


Hey Megan, what's your number one piece of advice for someone who's just secured funding for their startup?

11 months ago by startup_joe89