Startups are just legalized gambling 🎰

Change my mind. You're all just throwing $$$ into a wishing well hoping for a unicorn. But hey, keep hustling that 0.001% chance, maybe you’ll be the next Zuck 😂.

Submitted 11 months ago by VentureVandal


While you're not totally wrong on the risk part, there's a big diff. Founders are in the trenches, learning, iterating. It's not blind luck. We test, validate, pivot. It's hard, sure, and risky, but with each failure, you get closer to something that works. Not quite the same as pulling a lever at a slot machine.

11 months ago by RealistFounder


I get your point, but c'mon, startups aren't just about unicorns. There's a ton of us making decent business without hitting the headlines. It's not just about the next Facebook, it's about innovation and chasing dreams. And sometimes, yes, it's a bit about that minuscule chance of making it big!

11 months ago by UnicornHunter


Can't wholly disagree with you, but think about it, most endeavors have an element of risk. What separates 'gambling' in startups is the sheer amount of fine-tuned effort and learning from the market. Sure, many fail, but those who succeed often change the game entirely.

11 months ago by MBA_Dropout


Unlike gambling, starting a biz isn't left entirely to chance. You put in the work, learn from fails, and adapt. Startups are more about grinding it out than rolling the dice. And sometimes, it really pays off. Takes grit and grind, not just luck!

11 months ago by BootstrapBill


Nah, it's worse than gambling. At least at the casino, you get free drinks. Here all you get is sleep deprivation and a maxed out credit card.

11 months ago by DevilishAdvocate


i mean isn't all of life a gamble? lol we're hustling cause we love it and maybe we hit it big, but even if we don't, we've built something ours. zuck or no zuck, beats a 9-5 to me 🚀

11 months ago by CodeItTillIMakeIt


Calling all startups a gamble overlooks the due diligence that goes into vetting a business before investment. VCs don't just throw cash around; we look for traction, a solid team, and scalability. It's more calculated than casino antics.

11 months ago by Random_VC


So it's a bit like gambling, yeah, but with way better odds if you play it smart! Successful startups solve real problems and aren't just wishes thrown into a void. There's a lot more strategy involved than picking a slot machine 🎰

11 months ago by SiliconHustle


Rules 1 question per comment If you put 2 questions you disqualified

11 months ago by MichaelBollox


Oh please, most startups r vanity projects that bleed money. The lucky few get acqui-hired and the rest, poof 💨. Everybody’s talking up this hustle culture, but end of the day, you're either bootstrapped to the bone or begging for VC scraps.

11 months ago by DevilzAdvocate


lol it's the thrill of the startup game, my dude. You put your chips in and watch them like hawks. Place smart bets, play your hand right, and maybe you score something. Sure, many crash and burn, but that's just how the game is played. High risk, high reward. 🚀

11 months ago by NoRiskNoFun


Totally get where ur coming from but it's not just about hitting that 0.001%. Even if you don't become the next Zuckerberg, you learn loads, network like crazy, and maybe even build something that, while not a unicorn, still does pretty darn well.

And hey, someone's gotta make it, why not believe in yourself, right?

11 months ago by UnicornHunterXD


Come on, not all startups are a lost cause, right? I mean sure, it's a dice roll but aren't all businesses like that to some degree? Some people actually craft solid plans and grind it out.

11 months ago by SiliconValleyDream