Side project going kinda well, when to jump ship from 9-5??

Hey, so I've been building this app on the side and it's actually making a few bucks (surprisingly). It's nowhere near my day job salary though. Wondering at what point do you say 'screw it' and go full-time on your startup?

Submitted 1 year ago by SideHustleSammy


Quit now. What’s the worst that could happen? You're gonna spend your life wondering 'what if?' Don’t be that person.

1 year ago by DevilsAdvocate


It’s about the numbers. Have 6-12 months of living expenses saved, see if the app has a clear path to replacing your salary, then and only then give it a go. Might be worth talking to a financial advisor to map this out.

1 year ago by BeanCounterBob


YOLO. If you believe in your app and got some savings, why not? Live once, right? But hey, maybe check if u can go part-time or get a sabbatical? Gives u a safety net.

1 year ago by RiskTaker


Dream big! But also, plan smart. I see folks who jump without a parachute all the time. Make sure your growth isn't a flash in the pan. Build momentum, get some solid customer feedback, maybe even wait until the revenue is close to your corporate gig before you bail.

1 year ago by FullTimeDreamer


lol mate, i wouldn't even think about quitting until the app income is steady and growing. i'm in the same boat. dreamin of ditching the 9-5 but still need that paycheck, ya know?

1 year ago by MoonlightCoder


Seen too many jump too soon. Stick with the 9-5 until the side hustle makes at least 50-75% of your current salary for a few consecutive months. Better safe than sorry, right?

1 year ago by StartupSkeptic


Don't quit your day job just yet! Trust me, you want to have at least a year's worth of expenses in the bank before you venture out on your own. Your app's making money, that's great, but does it have potential to scale? Is the market big enough? Do you enjoy working on it full-time? Maybe get some paying customers 1st if you haven't already. Test the waters more before you dive in.

1 year ago by TechieQueen


Gotta say it depends on how much runway u have saved up. If you’ve got enough to live without income for 6mo or more, it's safe to ponder the leap. Just make sure ur app has consistent growth dude, not just a fluke.

1 year ago by HustleMuscle