Hey, so I've been building this app on the side and it's actually making a few bucks (surprisingly). It's nowhere near my day job salary though. Wondering at what point do you say 'screw it' and go full-time on your startup?
Submitted 1 year ago by SideHustleSammy
Dream big! But also, plan smart. I see folks who jump without a parachute all the time. Make sure your growth isn't a flash in the pan. Build momentum, get some solid customer feedback, maybe even wait until the revenue is close to your corporate gig before you bail.
Don't quit your day job just yet! Trust me, you want to have at least a year's worth of expenses in the bank before you venture out on your own. Your app's making money, that's great, but does it have potential to scale? Is the market big enough? Do you enjoy working on it full-time? Maybe get some paying customers 1st if you haven't already. Test the waters more before you dive in.