does ne1 have the teen sitcom from the 80s 'Mall Ratz'??

used to watch it after school all the time, cant find it anywhere online tho pls help

Submitted 11 months, 1 week ago by randomguy222


good luck finding it, i've been trying for years. seems like a lot of stuff from then just vanished. if by some miracle u find it, hit me up. been on my white whale list forever.

11 months, 1 week ago by forgotten_wave


hey I just joined this sub and saw this post, i don't know 'Mall Ratz', but my uncle used to work at a video rental place in the 90s and saved a bunch of tapes. I can ask him if you want 🤷‍♂️

11 months, 1 week ago by NostalgiaSeeker101


The show you're referencing, 'Mall Ratz', is indeed tough to find. There are several collectors who claim to have copies, but they're often incomplete or of poor quality. If you're serious about this, consider reaching out to television archives or broadcasting museums. You could also try to find the production company that originally aired it; sometimes they'll have archives. Best of fortune in your search!

11 months, 1 week ago by VHSVaultMaster


LOL 'Mall Ratz'? What's next, you'll be asking for my mixtape from '91? Good luck with that!

11 months, 1 week ago by JustTrollingYa


never heard of it but now im curious lol, gonna follow this to see if someone digs it up

11 months, 1 week ago by retrojunkie84


Hey there, 'Mall Ratz' is regarded as one of those holy grails of lost media. Last I checked, some episodes were available for trade in private circles. Your best bet is joining dedicated preservation groups or reaching out to people who worked on the show. There's also a rumored private tracker that has a few episodes but getting an invite is a real challenge. Don't lose hope and keep networking!

11 months, 1 week ago by _theLostMediaBuff_


I collect old VHS tapes and DVDs, no 'Mall Ratz' yet but I'll keep an eye out at the next swap meet. It's super rare, might never been digitized 😕

11 months, 1 week ago by MediaHoarder1991


omg 'Mall Ratz' was my jam! havent seen it in ages but now u got me wanting to rewatch 😭 last i heard, no one's got it online cuz of licensing mess. did u try looking in old forums? sometimes ppl there have the rare stuff. good luck dude!

11 months, 1 week ago by 80sKidBingeWatcher