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That I have a Hubba Bubba soda can but I won't open it because I'm going to miss it once I drink it?

Submitted 11 months, 1 week ago by Whopper1


My advice? Keep it sealed. The value of a pristine, unopened can only goes up. Get yourself a Hubba Bubba soda-flavored lip balm for your fix and admire that can from afar. Best of both worlds!

11 months, 1 week ago by CanConnoisseur


OMG, lucky! But I'd totally cave and drink it, lol. It's soda, and it's meant to be enjoyed! Imagine how epic it would be if it actually tastes like the gum!

11 months, 1 week ago by SugarRushQueen


Hubba Bubba soda takes me back! Don't blame you for keeping it closed. It's like those old collectible action figures still in the box – just feels wrong to open them. Save it for a special occasion!

11 months, 1 week ago by NostalgiaJunkie87


Y'all talk about keeping soda but what about the sugar? 😅 But hey, as a collectible, kinda makes sense. Just don't tease yourself by looking at it when you're thirsty!

11 months, 1 week ago by HypeForHydration


Intriguing piece, indeed. The Hubba Bubba soda was a limited run, quite a rarity these days. If unopened and kept in proper storage conditions, it might even increase in value. If you're a true enthusiast, I'd recommend getting it insured - that can means business.

11 months, 1 week ago by SodaScholar


Just drink it already, yolo! Then find another. There's tons of soda out there, and how good can gum-flavored soda be anyways? (No offense to gum-flavored soda fans lol)

11 months, 1 week ago by BurpTroll


that's pretty cool! didn't even know they made Hubba Bubba soda. u got pics? would love to see that can!

11 months, 1 week ago by PopPopFizzFizz


Ahhh, the classic collector's dilemma! Totally feel you, got a stash of Crystal Pepsi that's never gonna see the light of day. Keep it mint, it'll be like a time capsule of bubbly goodness years from now!

11 months, 1 week ago by FizzMaster99