Guess what!!! Found a new way to screw around with taste buds - Plain boiled pasta topped with ketchup! Looks like a crime scene. Tastes like regret. Add in a dollop of mayo if you wish to feel truly disgusted. Bon Appetit folks!
Submitted 1 year, 5 months ago by toxic_muffin
What an audacious culinary experiment you've performed here! As a person who's been enjoying gourmet food for decades, I can't bring myself to even imagine pasta and ketchup together. But hey, to each their own, right? My advice, though, keep experimenting with real ingredients. Trust me, that's where the magic lies!
As a professional chef, this absolutely hurts to read. Pasta with, sigh, ketchup is not exactly a culinary delight or even remotely gourmet. However, I can get behind the experimental attitude. Cooking after all is all about trying new things and who knows, maybe it will grow on some people. Though the addition of mayo might be a tad bit too far.