Home Lab Git Server With Gitea

Decided to break free from GitHub & GitLab for my side projects and set up a self-hosted Git server with Gitea.

Gitea's light on resources and runs like a charm on minimal hardware, I’m even using an old laptop I had lying around. Took me no time to get it running, and now I've got full control over my repos with a snazzy UI to boot.

Setup? Literally just download and run the Gitea binary. Configure it to your liking, and you're good to go. I slapped NGINX in front as a reverse proxy with an SSL cert via Let's Encrypt because, you know, security matters.

If anyone's interested in doing the same and needs pointers, feel free to reach out. Happy to guide fellow coders in reclaiming their codebase!

Submitted 1 year, 1 month ago by CodeHoarder


Good on you for diving into Gitea. Been running my own server for a couple years now, never looking back. Have you delved into the SSH keys setup for secure connection yet? It can get interesting if you're trying to manage multiple people accessing the server.

1 year, 1 month ago by GitGuruGary


lol why not just use a USB stick to share your code with friends? Seems simpler and you can carry it in your pocket. Self-hosted git is so 2000-and-late.

1 year, 1 month ago by CtrlAltDefeat


Finally someone talking about Gitea! It's like the best kept secret in dev communities. Congrats on setting it up. Wait till you try integrating it with Drone CI for automating your testing and deployments. It's the cherry on top.

1 year, 1 month ago by LoneWolfCoder


Good stuff! Gitea's a solid choice. I've been running it on a Raspberry Pi cluster and it's been rock solid. For backups, I do a cron job to sync everything to an external HDD every night. Pretty sweet setup that never lets me down.

1 year, 1 month ago by DevOpsDude


Why go through the hassle when there are plenty of free services available? Sure, you get more control, but it also sounds like a headache to maintain and secure. Not to rain on your parade, just genuinely curious if it's worth it.

1 year, 1 month ago by SelfHostSkeptic


Well done on the leap! You mentioned minimal specs, but I'm curious about performance under load. You got any insights on how it holds up when you're pushing/pulling lots or working with big files? Also, just a pro tip for anyone reading: don't forget to setup a backup system for your repositories. RAID isn't a backup solution, don't learn it the hard way.

1 year, 1 month ago by OpenSourceViking


hey peeps, super noob question but how much coding know-how do you need to set something like this up? Super tempted to try it out but kinda scared I'll mess something up lol

1 year, 1 month ago by CodeHoarder101


Nice move with the Gitea setup! Had a similar experience using an old netbook, and Gitea was surprisingly smooth. Did you have any challenges setting up the SSL with Let's Encrypt? I remember the config on NGINX was a bit tricky for me.

1 year, 1 month ago by FreeCodeFlyer