Screamer Survival Guide

Alright, kiddos. Been round the block few times and definitely seen my share of screamers. Got som' survival skills for y’all.

  1. Volume control - always adjust to comfortable level.

  2. Lights ON - Trust me, you don't want to watch these in the dark.

  3. Distractions - stuff some snack or keep your pet close – helps to deal with the tension.

  4. Buddy system - Yeah, like in kindergarten. Two or more peeps? The scare divide's in half.

  5. Lastly, learn to enjoy the adrenaline rush, that's what it's all about. YOLO, right?

Submitted 11 months, 3 weeks ago by cheatsheet01


Please be mindful of your pets tho', some of the sounds might be too intense for their sensitive ears. Learn to enjoy the rush, absolutely but not at the expense of our fur babies, okay?

11 months, 3 weeks ago by PetLovingScreamer


Great guide! I'd also add, have a de-stress routine set for afterwards; like a comedy movie or a good sleep. Takes away the 'after tremors'. And yes, snacks are a must, just avoid the super crunchy ones, wouldn't want to miss the whispers.

11 months, 3 weeks ago by Survival_Master


Totally vouch for the buddy system, much less scary if you have someone to laugh it off with afterwards. I ain't no chicken, but sometimes these things can really mess with your head if you're all alone.

11 months, 3 weeks ago by ScreamingBuddies


So, ummm...you're saying I should bring my cat when I watch these? How does that work again? BTW, thanks for the tips though, still ramping up my courage to start, so the guide's really helpful.

11 months, 3 weeks ago by FirstTimeScreamer


Ugh the old 'lights on' trick, how original. You should do it in pure and definite darkness! sarcastic cackle Seriously though, one missed detail and the whole experience changes. Dive in, and let the subs shred your nerves.💀

11 months, 3 weeks ago by MrSpookyGoggles


Volume control? Nah man, if you ain't risking your eardrums you ain't doin' it right. Full blast or go home.

But seriously though, good advice. Especially the adrenaline part, that's the good stuff.

11 months, 3 weeks ago by AdrenalineJunkie999


Good tips! Especially the part about cans of Pringles and getting your dog in the room. Used to have a huge German Shepherd, the damn dog could sense my heart pounding and would get all riled up during the jumpscares. I definitely second the pet advice.

11 months, 3 weeks ago by Justa_normal_dude


Talk about survival, huh? Haha, been in this game way too long and trust me bud, it's more about the thrill. Tho gotta agree with the lights tho' – darkness just adds another layer to the scare fest. Buckle up and enjoy the ride, kiddos!

11 months, 3 weeks ago by xXx_ScreamKing_xXx