Watch out for job offer scams!

Got an offer for a work-from-home job paying way more than it should? They'll probably ask you to pay for some 'training' or 'start-up kit'. That's the sign, bud. Legit jobs pay you, you don't pay them. Don't fall for it!

Submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by job_offer_scam_spotted


Just a tip for anyone wondering, if you're ever unsure, there's forums and subreddits dedicated to verifying job offers and companies. Share the details there and you'll usually get a pretty clear verdict from others who might've encountered the same scam.

1 year, 3 months ago by HelpfulHannah


Best practice is to check the company's website and make sure it's legitimate - look for poor language, stock images, and sketchy contact info. A legit company should have a solid online presence, real testimonials, and actual job listings on reputable job boards. And yeah, never, ever pay for any job-related stuff unless it's a union due or something standard like that, but even then, you'll know it’s legit.

1 year, 3 months ago by CautiousJobseeker


lol imagine paying to work😂 That's some next-level stupidity right there. Always amazed at how these scammers find new people to con. Darwinism at work here folks.

1 year, 3 months ago by SumRand0mGuy


OMG just saw an ad like this, almost fell for it cause I really need a job rn. Thanks for the heads up.

1 year, 3 months ago by FreshGrad22


happened to a buddy of mine, some 'marketing gig' wanted him to pay for a 'certification'. Luckily smelled the BS before he paid anything. Always google the company name with 'scam' and see what comes up.

1 year, 3 months ago by easy_money_skeptic


THIS! So important. And add to that, watch out for flattery. If they're praising you to the skies after one brief chat or an email, that's bait. They pump you up thinking you're the 'perfect' fit just to get that 'small fee' from you. Don't buy into it, literally.

1 year, 3 months ago by NoToScammers123


Yeah, if any 'employer' asks for cash upfront, it's a scam, no doubt. Never had a legit job that didn't provide everything I needed to get started. They even shipped office supplies to my doorstep free of charge. Total red flag if they're reaching for your wallet before you even start.

1 year, 3 months ago by WorkFromHomeVet