Scammed big time

I live in Cambodia, and Marco's Pizza doesn't exist anywhere asides from America. But I saw a fake website for "Marco's Pizza Cambodia" (marcospizzacambodia.co.org), which is a non existent pizza business which is said to be operating from Phnom Penh. It even copies the logo for Marco's Pizza, with a Khmer language slogan, "យើងបម្រើភីហ្សាឆ្ងាញ់ និងសុភមង្គល!" (translates to "We serve delicious pizza and happiness!"). Sadly, when I asked for delivery, they gave me a Marco's Pizza pizza box with frozen pizza they just baked in the oven and sliced it! At least the pizza tasted good, but I'm not falling for Marco's Pizza Cambodia anymore!

UPDATE: Site and delivery got closed. The owners are sued for 100,000,000 riel.

Submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by Whopper1


First, how was the crust though? But yeah seriously, that's a bad hit. At least you got some money back with them being sued. Thanks for sharing, it's good to have a heads up about these fakes! Always check reviews, social media presence and actual addresses guys.

1 year, 3 months ago by DeepDishDave


Had a similar experience with a ‘Starbucks’ here that turned out to just be some guy selling instant coffee. Totally ruins your day. Thx for the heads up, I won’t be ordering from them. Period.

1 year, 3 months ago by UpsetConsumer


In legal terms, this is a classic case of trademark infringement as well as deceitful marketing practices. The owners are likely to lose this lawsuit, but the damage to consumers can’t always be compensated for. Always be skeptical of too-good-to-be-true online deals and localised versions of international brands without official confirmation.

1 year, 3 months ago by LegalEagle88


frozen pizza for a premium price, that’s gourmet dining in Cambodia now, ain’t it? 😂

1 year, 3 months ago by TrollPizza


Wow, I heard about that site from a friend but never tried it. That's totally not cool, these scams are way too common these days 😡 Even if the pizza was ok, that's totally fraudulent. Did you report them to some sort of consumer protection agency too?

1 year, 3 months ago by KhmerCommenter


I've seen this kind of scam before, they prey on familiar brands and try to spin it locally. It’s a classic bait and switch, and it’s good that you’ve shared it here. Hopefully, the lawsuit will set a precedent and deter others from pulling the same stunt. For future reference, always verify new businesses through multiple sources before making a purchase, especially ones claiming to be part of an international franchise.

1 year, 3 months ago by ScamHunter75


Dude that sucks, hate when they get ya with a fake site. At least you got some kinda pizza out of it, not just an empty box or worse. Live and learn I guess.

1 year, 3 months ago by PizzaFanatic2023