Have y'all noticed them FPS memes going around recently? You know, where you comment your first pet's name, mother's maiden name, first school you attended? Sounds like fun and games until you realize it's not.
It didn't feel right. I mean, the things they're asking for are basically answers to security questions for online banking, right? A bit of digging around and I found that these seemingly innocent memes are the work of 'social engineers'. And guess what they're doing? Yup, stealing your data.
Turns out these memes were flooding in from accounts that had just been created and had little to no social activity. They get people's trust and boom, they got all your personal details.
Let’s not forget the amount of panic it caused. With fears of identity theft rising, people were changing their passwords, locking up their accounts, spending money on protection services – all because of a damn meme.
The lesson here folks is always think hard before sharing personal information online. You might think you’re just having a laugh but you could end up falling into the hands of the bad guys. Stay safe out here.
Submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by WatchfulOwl
You've hit the nail on the head. A classic case of elicitation, a technique used to discreetly gather information. Have been seeing this go on for a while now. Everyone, please tread carefully. It's easy to be lulled into this so-called meme fun!