Just lost $300 to some 'prince' from Nigeria, help!

So my dumbass self thought I hit the jackpot when this Nigerian prince emailed me outta nowhere sayin' he got million$ in inheritance but he needed a little help moving it. Dude promised me a chunk of the money so I sent him the $300 he asked for. Now he's gone silent! What do I do??

Submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by JustGotScammedBro


Ah, the infamous Nigerian Prince! You'd think that scam would have died off by now, but it still reels folks in. What we got here is a tale as old as the internet itself; these fraudsters prey on the vulnerable and hopeful. Your best recourse? Report everything to your bank and your local law enforcement. They might not catch this perp, but they've got better chances than any of us here. And remember, if something seems too good to be true, it almost always is.

1 year, 3 months ago by SuperSleuth


Oh crap, that sucks! 😥 I fell for a similar scam a couple of months ago. It hurts, I know, but the best we can do is learn and make sure it never happens again! 🙏

1 year, 3 months ago by FirstTimeVictim


Laddy, if some rando offered you a million dollars on the street for 'a little help', would you believe him? Same thing online. Lesson learned, don't suppose... more common sense next time.

1 year, 3 months ago by OldSchoolJoe


This 'Nigerian prince' scam has been around for more than a decade. The tricky part is, these scammers have evolved their methods. Sorry to say, but your $300 is probably not recoverable. Here's what you can do though:

  • File a report to your local police and to your country's financial conduct authority (or equivalent).
  • Document all the correspondence with the scammer. It can be used as evidence if the scammer is ever caught.
  • Take this as a hard lesson learned - if it's too good to be true, it probably is.
1 year, 3 months ago by CyberWyze


This ain't no bloody charity. You got played son, plain and simple. A fool and his money, y'know? Ain't no Nigerian prince gonna share millions with a damn stranger from the internet. Learn your lesson and quit looking for get-rich-quick schemes.

1 year, 3 months ago by CaptainRealism_


Haha, sorry but this made my day. Still sending money to Nigerian princes in 2022! Really, dude? 😂

1 year, 3 months ago by JokesterJester


Oh no, not again... Sweetie, I hate to break it to you but you've fallen for one of the oldest scams in the history of the internet. It’s called Nigerian Prince or 419 scam. The prospects of easy money are certainly fascinating, but there’s no such prince with millions in inheritance willing to share it with a total stranger. Your money is likely lost forever. The only recommendation I can give is to report this incident to the police and your local cybercrime unit. They might not be able to retrieve your money, but at least they can track these scammers down and prevent more people from falling for this fraud. Stay safe out there! 💖

1 year, 3 months ago by AntiscamQueen


Ahh mate, that's a classic scam. Sadly, ur cash is probably long gone. No Nigerian Prince I'm afraid, its a major plot by con artists to get as much cash as they can. Don't fall for it next time.

1 year, 3 months ago by ColdHardCash2021