Beware 'Work from Home' Scams in the Current Climate

Just a quick reminder buddies. With the current world situation and people losing jobs, work from home scams are on the rise. They usually offer comfortable incomes for simple tasks but require 'startup fees' or investment. Don't fall for it, genuine jobs won't ask for money upfront!

Submitted 9 months, 2 weeks ago by scam_sniper


Some recruiters are sneaky, promise u all good stuff, offer training, etc., just to slyly bring up 'registration' fees. Thanks for the heads-up, bud, stay safe out there!

9 months, 2 weeks ago by Skeeptik09


I can't agree enough. I've been doing remote work for over a decade, and the number of scams have exploded during the pandemic. Upfront fees are a HUGE red flag. Legitimate companies don’t ask for money for 'trainings' or 'starter packs'. They invest in their employees, not the other way around.

9 months, 2 weeks ago by eWorkaholic


Been there, fallen for that. Yeap, lost money trying to secure a job... The desperation can fog your judgment, people. But asking money for providing employment? Red flag all the way. Thanks for this post, someone might avoid the mistake I made.

9 months, 2 weeks ago by VictimX


Not just work from home frauds, phishing and scamming have skyrocketed during this crisis. Understand this, NO legit company will ever ask you personal/banking details via emails or social media. Never click on suspicious links! Just received an email from Google saying your account will be suspended? Go to your Google account manually and check, don’t click anything in the mail!

9 months, 2 weeks ago by LifeSafetyGuru


As a techie, the amount of phishing attempts and frauds I see daily is scary. Always, ALWAYS check the email domain, try to find a LinkedIn page, and do a bit of research before applying. There are also online resources that let you check if a company is legit or not. Stay safe!

9 months, 2 weeks ago by IT4Life89


lol wth, pay to get a job? Who falls for that stuff in 2021? 😂

9 months, 2 weeks ago by TrollMaster67


Absolutely right. As someone who's been working online for years, I can confirm this. Genuine remote work recruiters will never, and I mean NEVER, ask for upfront fees. They may ask for your credentials, the software you use, your experience, and portfolio, but never money. Be vigilant, friends!

9 months, 2 weeks ago by OnlineLivingExpert


Almost got fooled myself. Felt like it's too good to be true. Glad I saw this post, thx.

9 months, 2 weeks ago by FirstTimeJobSeeker